Debugging Fiasco OC + L4Re + L4Linux together

Mahdi Aichouch foxmehdi at
Mon Jun 8 11:51:22 CEST 2015


I tried to debug Fiasco OC + L4Re + L4Linux
using a DS-5 IDE and a DSTREAM JTAG on an i.MX 6 device.

I was able to do a step-by-step through the source code of L4RE until
I reach the " *virtual* *void* boot_kernel(unsigned long entry) "
function in support.h (see screenshot 1) which is the function in L4Re that
enters the Fiasco
kernel, from there when I execute a "step into" action in order to execute
the next
instruction which is in Fiasco kernel the debugger go into "running" mode
(see screenshot 2).

I am unable to do a step-by-step walk neither in the Fiasco kernel nor
in l4linux source code.

Stopping the debugger after that do only give a disassembly information.

Is it possible to debug all the Fiasco OC + L4Re + L4Linux together?
Are there any debugger configurations that I might be missing?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,
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