Question about memory management in L4 Fiasco O.C + L4re

Mahdi Aichouch foxmehdi at
Wed Jul 15 11:53:50 CEST 2015


I have some questions concerning memory management in Fiasco O.C  + L4re.

I would like to test two L4Linux instances, and for each L4Linux
instance I want to reserve one static fixed physical memory partition.

For instance, one 128MB for the first L4Linux and one 128MB for the second.

Knowing that Fiasco O.C. uses "on demand paging" to allocate pages for
user tasks, is it possible that each partition of L4Linux could be allocated
a static physical memory region composed of contiguous physical frames.

For instance, one memory region starting from 128MB to 256MB for the first
and second memory region from 256MB to 512MB for the second L4Linux.
Each memory region is allocated exclusively to one L4Linux instance.

I would like to know if it is possible to load all the code + data of a
L4Linux instance
into its reserved memory partition, so no page fault will be encountered
during runtime.

Is it possible to tell me if these above operations could be realized in
Fiasco O.C and L4re?

If the answer is yes, is it possible to tell me what are the objects that
should be used or
adapted in order to implement these?

What are the issues that I should pay attention to?

Many thanks in advance for your answer.

Best regards,

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