回复: no such object found: rom/l4re backtrace

水镜 357836635 at qq.com
Wed Mar 4 02:11:08 CET 2015


>‍On 03/03/2015 08:52 AM, 水镜 wrote:
>‍> Hi, i have build the l4re,l4linux,fiasco for x86 successfully. when i
>‍> boot try to boot l4linux, an error came out:
>‍> FATAL exception in MOE:
>‍> Exception: No such object found: rom/l4re: backtrace ...

>‍Looks like moe cannot find the l4re binary. Bootstrap prints a memory
>‍map of all modules upon start. Can you provide this map?

hi, the out put is in the attachement file. but  i do not know whether it is right.


>‍> i use the vmware and ubuntu 14.04 to test the l4linux, here is the steps
>‍> how i do my job:
>‍> 1.create a directory 'l4linux' in /boot.
>‍> 2.copy the bootstrap to '/boot/l4linux' from 'l4re_build/bin/x86_586'
>‍> 3.copy all the file to '/boot/l4linux' in 'l4re_build/bin/x86_586/l4f'
>‍> 4.copy the fiasco to '/boot/l4linux'  from 'fiasco_build/bin'
>‍> 5.copy the vmlinuz to '/boot/l4linux' form 'l4linux_build'
>‍> 6.download the drops-rd.rd to '/boot/l4linux'
>‍> 7.create the l4linux.cfg in '/boot/l4linux'
>‍> 8.create the modules.list in '/boot/l4linux'
>‍> the 'modules.list' is like this:
>‍> entry L4Linux
>‍> kernel fiasco -serial_esc
>‍> roottask moe rom/l4linux.cfg
>‍> module l4linux.cfg
>‍> module l4re
>‍> module ned
>‍> module vmlinuz
>‍> module drops-rd.rd
>‍> the 'l4linux.cfg' is like this:
>‍> L4.default_loader:start({}, "rom/vmlinuz mem=64M console=ttyLv0
>‍> l4x_rd=rom/drops-rd.rd root=1:0 ramdisk_size=4000 init=/bin/sh");
>‍> 9.modify the grub.cfg, add the following lines:
>‍> menuentry 'L4Linux' {
>‍>     multiboot /boot/l4linux/bootstrap -modaddr 0x02000000
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/fiasco -serial_esc
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/sigma0
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/moe rom/l4linux.cfg
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/l4linux.cfg
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/l4re
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/ned
>‍>     module /boot/l4linux/vmlinuz
>‍> }
>‍> after this job is done. i reboot the system. the error came out.
>‍> please give me some help to sovle the problem. thanks.
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>‍> l4-hackers at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
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Matthias Lange, matthias.lange at kernkonzept.com, +49 - 351 - 41 88 86 14

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Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Hohmuth
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