ARM with Qemu

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Sun Mar 8 22:38:30 CET 2015


On Thu Mar 05, 2015 at 14:37:56 +0100, Nicolas VARONA wrote:
> >Could also be the uart issue? But entering jdb always works for me.
> Even if I can't give inputs to the bare metal application on Qemu, I can
> also enter into the JDB. Is that mean that all interruptions are well
> handled? So the uart issue seems more probable.

I think I found it. A hacky fix/workaround is to add the following
line to the beginning of out_char() in src/lib/uart/
     _regs->write<unsigned>(ISR, IXR_RXOVR);

The proper change is different.
> >Which kind of panic?
> I firstly tested my L4linux on Qemu for the Zinq board and the boot
> finishes well (with the problem of inputs that I told you before).
> Nonetheless, with the same image on the board, I have this message:

It segfaults when executing init. One common reason is that VFP support
is missing in Linux. Strike?

Adam                 adam at

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