Using a second UART to control a serial device

teclis High Elf teclis.high.elf at
Tue May 5 16:36:59 CEST 2015

I have almost identical code except I'm running on a mips based platform
with a 16550 UART so I don't use the shift parameter. I do the
regs->writes() but when I peek at the physical memory with GDB I don't see
the values I wrote. The l4io_request_iomem() is called with
  L4IO_MEM_NONCACHED (and there is no enabled cache in my setup) and it
doesn't return an error. I doesn't look like the values are getting written
to the mmio block.

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 4:05 AM, Pflaum, Clemens <clemens.pflaum at>

> Hi,
>  How does the 'no access' show? J12 is described as having UART7 so I'd
>> assume the UART is there. (UART4 starts on a new page, you have mapped
>> that too?)
> If I try to read any register like I usally do:
>       char sc = regs->read<unsigned char>(LCR);
>       printf("0x0C LCR: %#010x\n", sc);
> All i get is 0x00 even if i try writing to it before. I have had the
> exact same problem with UART0-3 before manually adjusting the
> Registers to their actual offsets or setting the shift parameter of
> Io_register_block_mmio to 2. So its actually like I'm looking
> at/writing to the wrong places.
> I map the memory similar to the serial-drv example only ever one UART at a
> time:
>    #define IRQ_NUM 52                 //currently set to UART7, 36 for
>    #define UART_BASE 0x01C29C00       //currently set to UART7, 0x01C28C00
> for UART3
> bool Maestro_server::init()
>    {
>       printf("init start\n");
>       l4_addr_t virt_base = 0;
>       if (l4io_request_iomem((l4_addr_t)UART_BASE, 0x0400,
> L4IO_MEM_NONCACHED, &virt_base))
>         {
>           printf("maestro-drv: request io-memory from l4io failed.\n");
>           return false;
>         }
>       printf("maestro-drv: virtual base at:%lx\n", virt_base);
>       L4::Io_register_block_mmio *regs = new
> L4::Io_register_block_mmio(virt_base, 2);
>       printf("registered regs\n");
>       _uart = new (malloc(sizeof(L4::Uart_bpi16550)))
> L4::Uart_bpi16550((unsigned long) 115200);
>       printf("malloc for _uart\n");
>       printf("\n");
>       if(!(_uart->startup(regs))){
>              printf("failed to startup uart regs!\n");
>       }
>       .
>       .
> }
> Together with the folling in my .devs file
> local Hw = Io.Hw
> local Res = Io.Res
> Io.hw_add_devices
> {
>    UART7 = Hw.Device
>    {
>       hid = "UART7";
>       Res.irq(52);
>       Res.mmio(0x01C29C00, 0x01C29FFF);
>    }
> }
>  Hmm, does it work with on Linux, i.e. it's not something
>> hardware-related?
> I have tested the UARTS with the Bananian linux and they work just
> fine, so it cant be hardware-related.
> Regards,
> Clemens
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