anything wrong when call Thread::do_ipc?

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Sun May 17 22:50:16 CEST 2015

On Tue May 12, 2015 at 14:46:55 +0800, watermirror wrote:
> hi.
> in the Thread_object::invoke, it call Thread::do_ipc like this:
>       ct->do_ipc(f->tag(), partner, partner, have_rcv, sender,
>                  f->timeout(), f, rights);
> the second parameter's type is Thread*.
> but the Thread::do_ipc's implemention is like this:
> Thread::do_ipc(L4_msg_tag const &tag, bool have_send, Thread *partner,
>                bool have_receive, Sender *sender,
>                L4_timeout_pair t, Syscall_frame *regs,
>                L4_fpage::Rights rights)
> {...}
> the second parameter's type is bool.
> is there anything wrong with the code, or i have make some mistakes?

The pointer will be converted to bool, i.e. have_send is true when
patner is not null.

Adam                 adam at

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