why fiasco use -fno-rtti compile option?

Yuxin Ren ryx at gwmail.gwu.edu
Fri Jun 19 16:35:18 CEST 2015

Do you want to use rtti in kernel or user level?

It seems to be pretty difficult to support rtti and exception handler in
run-time, especially in kernel.
I also want to know if Fiasco support exception handler in kernel or user
If it supports, I want to learn to how to achieve such support.

Thanks a lot.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 10:28 AM, <liu.xiaodong2 at zte.com.cn> wrote:

> Hi, Guys!
>         I want to use typeid() and dynamic_cast() in fiasco, but failed,
> because of the -fno-rtti option. Why fiasco disable rtti? Are there some
> bad effects if we enable it?
>         thanks!
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