l4re programming language support

Adam Lackorzynski adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Tue Jul 12 23:20:41 CEST 2016


On Sun Jul 10, 2016 at 01:05:01 +0200, Michael Schnupp wrote:
> I am aware that pretty much the whole l4re system is written in C++ and that the C(++) binding is the main way to write new tasks.
> However I also noticed some packages which look like there is also support for languages like fortran, python, and ocaml.
> Is there any documentation/example on how to use these to write a new task in those languages?
> (Is there generally any documentation on how to use the existing packages?)

Having the language and/or interpreter ready to use is one thing,
another is to have a reasonable binding to the system it is running in,
i.e. the possibility to call, for example, L4Re functionality or talk to
other components. While just running a script seems is straight forward
("rom/pyhton rom/script.py"), actually having those bindings is the
interesting part. Any for python nor ocaml there aren't any as far as I

> I would really love to write own tasks in rust. Is there any chance to build a l4re binary using rust, too?

Sure there is, "just" a matter of doing it. Probably porting of the rust
runtime is required here. Shouldn't be too hard.

> (Is there generally any documentation on how a binary must look like in order to be able to run on l4re?)

This question leaves open many ways to answer. Maybe look at 'hello' or
any of the example programs to see how they look like.

> Rust supports specifying custom linking options and has good support for cross compiling.
> Especially it also allows linking against musl to build static binaries.
> All this make me feel it should be possible to target l4re, too, but I really don't understand the l4re build system well enough.
> Do you see any chance in doing so?

There definitely is but time is precious so it's not that easy from that

Adam                 adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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