Extending l4sys by reading/writing register values of a preempted thread

Denis Huber huber.denis at mytum.de
Thu Mar 16 13:33:18 CET 2017

Hello Ludwig,

> Why not use ex_regs() on the thread to trigger an exception. That way, the
> attached userland exception handler can introspect the thread's complete
> register set. It can also alter the registers, so that the thread continues to
> run with the modified register set.
> Is there anything more you need?

I already tried ex_regs(). The problem with this function is, that it 
does not return all registers, if the thread is in a syscall. It only 
returns the PC and SP registers.

> A thread's userland registers are stored on every entry to the kernel. The
> class in Fiasco is called Entry_frame.
> The userland exception handler mentioned above modifies that Entry_frame.

Where does the kernel store the Entry_frame object for each thread? Is 
it the location where Context::regs() points to?

> When the scheduler selects a thread, its userland state (Entry_frame) is
> restored on exit from kernel mode.

Can you point to the function that executes this code?

> Yes, that PC line is the userland program counter. the USP is the userland
> stack pointer. All userland registers are located at the top of kernel stack
> for a particular thread.

> In short mode, press 's' for a list of all tasks. Select the task in question
> and the press 'o' to see the capability space for that task.

> Hope that helps,
>  - Christian

Thanks for your answer.

Kind regards,

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