Dresden University of Technology
Department of Computer Science 
The Representative for International Relations 
Prof. Dr. Hermann Härtig/i. V. Dr. Horst Lazarek
Deutsche Version

The Department´s Representative for International Relations

Prof. Dr. Hermann Härtig/i. V. Dr. Horst Lazarek

Please note that it is not a translation of the German version. Instead, the focus is on subjects that might be of interest to students and scientists from other countries.


The main source of information for foreign students, graduates and academics are the well-maintained web pages of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The DAAD issues also the brochure Studies and Research in Germany. This brochure may be viewed in the office of Prof. Härtig/i. V. Dr. Horst Lazarek (room 316c):


The department is strongly committed to establishing and maintaining international relations.
Therefore, several opportunities are offered to students from foreign countries to participate in education at the department:

The following alternatives exist for studying at our department:


General Information
Contact person at the department of computer science
Prof. Dr. Hermann Härtig/i. V. Dr. Horst Lazarek 
phone: +49 (0) 351 463 8282
Contact person at the international office of the TUD
Frau Hillert
phone: +49 (0) 351 463 6065
  Office hours:

Tuesday 12:30–18:00
Thursday 12:30–15:30 
Friday 9:00–12:00

Postal address:

TU Dresden
Fakultät Informatik 
Institut für Systemarchitektur
Lehrstuhl Betriebssysteme
D-01062 Dresden 

Postal address:

TU Dresden
Akademisches Auslandsamt

D-01062 Dresden


Nöthnitzer Str. 46 
3rd floor 
Room 3103


Toepler-Bau (TOE 22) 
Mommsenstraße 12 

Room 220


Application, Admission and enrollment for graduating studies at the Dresden University of Technology (standard German programmes)

Information in German from the International office of the Dresden University of Technology http://www.tu-dresden.de/aaa/auslaender/homepage.htm

  1. the Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz (Level II), or
  2. the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber DSH Exam, or
  3. the Große/Kleine Sprachdiplom from the Goethe Institute, or
  4. the Zentralen Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP) from the Goethe Institute
Application, Admission and enrollment for graduating studies at the Dresden University of Technology (international programmes) Application, Admission and enrollment for non graduating studies (International exchange) Information about the course programmes Language Courses Studying in Dresden Services Other

Anything missing?
Please send E-mail!

Dr. Horst Lazarek, 7. September 2002