8 The Role-Files


Within the next sections, the following abbreviations are used in the description of role-file parameters:

XXX+ The parameter XXX can be specified in multiple forms. To set the parameter for all targets (defined in the parameter $(TARGET) then), just specify XXX. To set the parameter for a special target target out of $(TARGET), specify XXX_target.    
XXX++ The parameter XXX can be specified in multiple forms. To set the parameter for all targets (defined in the parameter $(TARGET) then) and all systems (defined in the parameter $(SYSTEM) then), just specify XXX. To set the parameter for a special target target for all given systems, specify XXX_target. To set the parameter for a special system sys for all given targets, specify XXX_sys. To set the parameter for a special target target for a special system sys, specify XXX_target_sys.    

L4 Checker 2012-04-11