Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
dsi_componentComponent descriptor
dsi_ctrl_headerControl area header
dsi_event_clientEvent client descriptor
dsi_jcp_streamJitter constrained periodic stream
dsi_packetPacket descriptor
dsi_select_socketDsi_event_select socket list
dsi_select_thread_argSelect thread arguments
dsi_sg_elemScatter gather element
dsi_socketSocket descriptor

It is the component-local socket reference

dsi_socket_refSocket reference

It is given to the application by the component to describe a socket

dsi_streamApplication stream descriptor

Used by in-the-middle-applications to store send- and receive-components. Used by dsi_stream_create(), dsi_stream_start(), dsi_stream_stop() and dsi_stream_close()

dsi_stream_cfgLow level stream configuration

for now it is specified explicitly, at some stage it should be calculated from jitter constrained periodic stream definition

Generated on Wed Apr 11 06:40:14 2012 for DSI - Drops Streaming Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6