Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
l4loader::appIDL Interface for the loader module
app_addr_tPair of addresses
app_area_tApplication's area to page by our pager thread
app_tApplication descriptor
cfg_kquota_tKernel memory quota descriptor
kquota_userUsers of a kernel memory quota
l4env_infopage_tThe environment info page - should consider 64-bit architectures too
l4env_loader_info_tDefines loader configuration information useful for programs
l4env_version_info_tDefines some L4 kernel information - some of them (arch, data, arch_class) needed for loading an ELF binary
l4exec_info_tSection Info
l4exec_section_tDefines a section of an executable file (binary or shared library)

L4 Loader Reference Manual, part of DROPS  © 2000-2003