src Directory Reference


file  config.h [code]
 Log-Server compile-time configuration.
file  flusher.c [code]
 TCP-based Server flushing to various output media.
file  flusher.h [code]
 Log-Server, functions dealing with flushing the buffer.
file  logserver.c [code]
 Log-Server main.
file  muxed.h [code]
 Functions and wire protocol definitions for muxed channels.
file  stuff.c [code]
 Log-Server, div. stuff like thread creation.
file  stuff.h [code]
 Log-Server, div. stuff like locking and thread creation.
file  tcpip.h [code]

Generated on Wed Apr 11 06:40:52 2012 for Logging and output facility for DROPS by  doxygen 1.5.6