Michael Hohmuth's links

Information from and about Michael Hohmuth

This used to be my personal homepage when I was at TU Dresden. I left TUD in 2006. Nowadays I work at Kernkonzept, which I cofounded in 2012.

Personal information

Who is Michael Hohmuth?

I'm currently working as an assistant researcher at the Dept. of CS in the Operating Systems group. My doctoral research is in the area of microkernel-based real-time operating systems. Also, from time to time I'm looking after a few students graduating at our professorship.

My research interests include (in no particular order): operating systems, programming languages and tools, computer security and cryptography, computer architecture.


Software development: projects and hacks (present and past)


[See the full list of publications]

For students

Course descriptions and materials

Part of my job is supporting my boss in his lectures for students.

Documents I maintain

Quick links to documents I maintain (or maintained)