Classes | Defines | Functions

vancouver/model/ File Reference

#include "nul/motherboard.h"
#include "model/sata.h"
#include "model/pci.h"
#include "model/simplemem.h"
#include "model/reg.h"


class  ParentIrqProvider
 AHCI emulation. More...
class  AhciPort
 A port of an AhciController. More...
class  AhciController
 An AhciController on a PCI card. More...


#define REGBASE   "../model/"
#define REGBASE   "../model/"


 PARAM (ahci,{AhciController *dev=new AhciController(mb, argv[1], PciHelper::find_free_bdf(mb.bus_pcicfg, argv[2]));mb.bus_mem.add(dev, AhciController::receive_static< MessageMem >);mb.bus_pcicfg.add(dev, AhciController::receive_static< MessagePciConfig >);mb.bus_ahcicontroller.add(dev, AhciController::receive_static< MessageAhciSetDrive >);dev->PCI_write(AhciController::PCI_ABAR_offset, argv[0]);dev->PCI_write(AhciController::PCI_INTR_offset, argv[1]);dev->PCI_write(AhciController::PCI_CMD_STS_offset, 0x406);},"ahci:mem,irq,bdf - attach an AHCI controller to a PCI bus.","Example: Use 'ahci:0xe0800000,14,0x30' to attach an AHCI controller to 00:06.0 on address 0xe0800000 with irq 14.","If no bdf is given, the first free one is searched.","The AHCI controllers are automatically numbered, starting with 0.")

Define Documentation

#define REGBASE   "../model/"
#define REGBASE   "../model/"

Function Documentation

PARAM ( ahci   ) 
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