Static Public Member Functions

Math Class Reference

#include <math.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned long long muldiv128 (unsigned long long value, unsigned long factor, unsigned long divisor)
 We are limited here by the ability to divide through a unsigned long value, thus factor and divisor needs to be less than 1<<32.
static unsigned div64 (unsigned long long &value, unsigned divisor)
 Divide a 64bit value through a 32bit value.
static int idiv64 (long long &value, int divisor)
 Divide a 64bit signed value through a 32bit value.
static int imod64 (long long value, int divisor)
static unsigned mod64 (unsigned long long value, int divisor)
static void from_bcd (unsigned char &value)
static void to_bcd (unsigned char &value)
static unsigned long htonl (unsigned long value)
static unsigned short htons (unsigned short value)
static unsigned long ntohl (unsigned long value)
static unsigned short ntohs (unsigned short value)

Member Function Documentation

static unsigned Math::div64 ( unsigned long long &  value,
unsigned  divisor 
) [inline, static]

Divide a 64bit value through a 32bit value.

Returns the remainder.

static void Math::from_bcd ( unsigned char &  value  )  [inline, static]
static unsigned long Math::htonl ( unsigned long  value  )  [inline, static]
static unsigned short Math::htons ( unsigned short  value  )  [inline, static]
static int Math::idiv64 ( long long &  value,
int  divisor 
) [inline, static]

Divide a 64bit signed value through a 32bit value.

Returns the remainder.

static int Math::imod64 ( long long  value,
int  divisor 
) [inline, static]
static unsigned Math::mod64 ( unsigned long long  value,
int  divisor 
) [inline, static]
static unsigned long long Math::muldiv128 ( unsigned long long  value,
unsigned long  factor,
unsigned long  divisor 
) [inline, static]

We are limited here by the ability to divide through a unsigned long value, thus factor and divisor needs to be less than 1<<32.

static unsigned long Math::ntohl ( unsigned long  value  )  [inline, static]
static unsigned short Math::ntohs ( unsigned short  value  )  [inline, static]
static void Math::to_bcd ( unsigned char &  value  )  [inline, static]

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