Classes | Defines | Functions

vancouver/executor/insthelper.h File Reference


struct  Descriptor


#define MOVE2(operand_size, DST, SRC)
#define helper_LOOPS(NAME, X)
#define helper_LDT(NAME, VAR, MTD)
#define helper_SDT(NAME, VAR, MTD)
#define NCHECK(X)   { if (X) break; }
#define FEATURE(X, Y)   { if (feature & (X)) Y; }
#define MOVE2(operand_size, DST, SRC)
#define helper_LOOPS(NAME, X)
#define helper_LDT(NAME, VAR, MTD)
#define helper_SDT(NAME, VAR, MTD)
#define NCHECK(X)   { if (X) break; }
#define FEATURE(X, Y)   { if (feature & (X)) Y; }


int cpl0_test ()
 Instruction helper.
int handle_segment (CpuState::Descriptor *desc, unsigned &virt, unsigned length, bool write, bool stackop)
 Add base and check segment type and limit.
template<unsigned operand_size>
int logical_mem (CpuState::Descriptor *desc, unsigned virt, bool write, void *&res, bool stackop=false)
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_JMP_absolute (unsigned nrip)
 Perform an absolute JMP.
template<unsigned feature, unsigned operand_size>
int __attribute__ ((regparm(3))) string_helper()
int helper_MOV__CR0__EDX ()
 Move from control register.
int helper_MOV__EDX__CR0 ()
 Move to control register.
int helper_LMSW (unsigned short value)
int desc_get_base (unsigned short selector, unsigned long &base, bool ext)
int load_gdt_descriptor (Descriptor &desc, unsigned short selector, bool ext)
int load_idt_descriptor (Descriptor &desc, unsigned event)
int desc_set_flag (Descriptor &desc, unsigned short selector, unsigned char flag, bool ext)
int helper_LTR (unsigned short selector)
int helper_LLDT (unsigned short selector)
int set_segment (CpuState::Descriptor *seg, unsigned short sel, bool cplcheck=true)
int helper_far_jmp (unsigned tmp_cs, unsigned tmp_eip, unsigned tmp_flag)
template<unsigned operand_size, bool lcall>
int helper_lcall (void *tmp_src)
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_LJMP (void *tmp_src)
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_LCALL (void *tmp_src)
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_IRET ()
int idt_traversal (unsigned event, unsigned error_code)
int helper_INT (unsigned char vector)
int helper_INVLPG ()
int helper_FWAIT ()
int helper_MOV__DB0__EDX ()
int helper_MOV__EDX__DB0 ()
int helper_FXSAVE ()
int helper_FRSTOR ()
void helper_AAM (unsigned char imm)
void helper_AAD (unsigned char imm)
void helper_XLAT ()
template<unsigned operand_size>
void helper_ENTER (unsigned *imm)

Define Documentation

#define FEATURE (   X,
)    { if (feature & (X)) Y; }
#define FEATURE (   X,
)    { if (feature & (X)) Y; }
#define helper_LDT (   NAME,
template<unsigned operand_size>                                 \
  void __attribute__((regparm(3)))                                      \
  helper_##NAME()                                                       \
    {                                                                   \
    void *addr;                                                         \
    if (!modrm2mem(addr, 6, user_access(TYPE_R)))               \
      {                                                                 \
        unsigned base;                                                  \
        move<1>(&_cpu->VAR.limit, addr);                                \
        move<2>(&base, reinterpret_cast<char *>(addr)+2);               \
        if (operand_size == 1) base &= 0x00ffffff;                      \
        _cpu->VAR.base = base;                                          \
        _mtr_out |= MTD;                                                \
      }                                                                 \
#define helper_LDT (   NAME,
template<unsigned operand_size>                                 \
  void __attribute__((regparm(3)))                                      \
  helper_##NAME()                                                       \
    {                                                                   \
    void *addr;                                                         \
    if (!modrm2mem(addr, 6, user_access(TYPE_R)))               \
      {                                                                 \
        unsigned base;                                                  \
        move<1>(&_cpu->VAR.limit, addr);                                \
        move<2>(&base, reinterpret_cast<char *>(addr)+2);               \
        if (operand_size == 1) base &= 0x00ffffff;                      \
        _cpu->VAR.base = base;                                          \
        _mtr_out |= MTD;                                                \
      }                                                                 \
#define helper_LOOPS (   NAME,
template<unsigned operand_size>                                 \
  void __attribute__((regparm(3))) __attribute__((noinline))            \
  helper_##NAME(void *tmp_src)                                          \
  {                                                                     \
    unsigned ecx = 0;                                                   \
    MOVE2(operand_size, ecx, _cpu->ecx);                                \
    if (X != 3) --ecx;                                                  \
    if ((ecx && (X==0 || (X==1 && _cpu->efl & 0x40) || (X==2 && ~_cpu->efl & 0x40))) || (!ecx && X == 3)) \
      if (helper_JMP<operand_size>(tmp_src))                            \
        return;                                                         \
    MOVE2(operand_size, _cpu->ecx, ecx);                                \
#define helper_LOOPS (   NAME,
template<unsigned operand_size>                                 \
  void __attribute__((regparm(3))) __attribute__((noinline))            \
  helper_##NAME(void *tmp_src)                                          \
  {                                                                     \
    unsigned ecx = 0;                                                   \
    MOVE2(operand_size, ecx, _cpu->ecx);                                \
    if (X != 3) --ecx;                                                  \
    if ((ecx && (X==0 || (X==1 && _cpu->efl & 0x40) || (X==2 && ~_cpu->efl & 0x40))) || (!ecx && X == 3)) \
      if (helper_JMP<operand_size>(tmp_src))                            \
        return;                                                         \
    MOVE2(operand_size, _cpu->ecx, ecx);                                \
#define helper_SDT (   NAME,
template<unsigned operand_size>                                 \
  void __attribute__((regparm(3)))                                      \
  helper_##NAME()                                                       \
  {                                                                     \
    _mtr_in |= MTD;                                                     \
    void *addr;                                                         \
    if (!modrm2mem(addr, 6, user_access(TYPE_W)))                       \
      {                                                                 \
        unsigned base = _cpu->VAR.base;                                 \
        if (operand_size == 1) base &= 0x00ffffff;                      \
        move<1>(addr, &_cpu->VAR.limit);                                \
        move<2>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(addr)+2, &base);               \
      }                                                                 \
#define helper_SDT (   NAME,
template<unsigned operand_size>                                 \
  void __attribute__((regparm(3)))                                      \
  helper_##NAME()                                                       \
  {                                                                     \
    _mtr_in |= MTD;                                                     \
    void *addr;                                                         \
    if (!modrm2mem(addr, 6, user_access(TYPE_W)))                       \
      {                                                                 \
        unsigned base = _cpu->VAR.base;                                 \
        if (operand_size == 1) base &= 0x00ffffff;                      \
        move<1>(addr, &_cpu->VAR.limit);                                \
        move<2>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(addr)+2, &base);               \
      }                                                                 \
#define MOVE2 (   operand_size,
{                                       \
    if (operand_size == 0)  DST = (DST & ~0xff)   | (SRC & 0xff);       \
    if (operand_size == 1)  DST = (DST & ~0xffff) | (SRC & 0xffff);     \
    if (operand_size == 2)  DST = SRC;                                  \
#define MOVE2 (   operand_size,
{                                       \
    if (operand_size == 0)  DST = (DST & ~0xff)   | (SRC & 0xff);       \
    if (operand_size == 1)  DST = (DST & ~0xffff) | (SRC & 0xffff);     \
    if (operand_size == 2)  DST = SRC;                                  \


#define NCHECK (   X  )     { if (X) break; }
#define NCHECK (   X  )     { if (X) break; }

Function Documentation

template<unsigned feature, unsigned operand_size>
int __attribute__ ( (regparm(3))   ) 
int cpl0_test (  ) 

Instruction helper.

Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Bernhard Kauer <> Economic rights: Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany)

This file is part of Vancouver.

Vancouver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Vancouver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 2 for more details. Check whether CPL0 is required.

int desc_get_base ( unsigned short  selector,
unsigned long &  base,
bool  ext 
int desc_set_flag ( Descriptor desc,
unsigned short  selector,
unsigned char  flag,
bool  ext 
int handle_segment ( CpuState::Descriptor desc,
unsigned &  virt,
unsigned  length,
bool  write,
bool  stackop 

Add base and check segment type and limit.

void helper_AAD ( unsigned char  imm  ) 
void helper_AAM ( unsigned char  imm  ) 
template<unsigned operand_size>
void helper_ENTER ( unsigned *  imm  ) 
int helper_far_jmp ( unsigned  tmp_cs,
unsigned  tmp_eip,
unsigned  tmp_flag 
int helper_FRSTOR (  ) 
int helper_FWAIT (  ) 
int helper_FXSAVE (  ) 


Missing: AC for unaligned access

int helper_INT ( unsigned char  vector  ) 
int helper_INVLPG (  ) 
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_IRET (  ) 
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_JMP_absolute ( unsigned  nrip  ) 

Perform an absolute JMP.

template<unsigned operand_size, bool lcall>
int helper_lcall ( void *  tmp_src  ) 
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_LCALL ( void *  tmp_src  ) 
template<unsigned operand_size>
int helper_LJMP ( void *  tmp_src  ) 
int helper_LLDT ( unsigned short  selector  ) 
int helper_LMSW ( unsigned short  value  ) 
int helper_LTR ( unsigned short  selector  ) 
int helper_MOV__CR0__EDX (  ) 

Move from control register.

int helper_MOV__DB0__EDX (  ) 
int helper_MOV__EDX__CR0 (  ) 

Move to control register.

int helper_MOV__EDX__DB0 (  ) 
void helper_XLAT (  ) 
int idt_traversal ( unsigned  event,
unsigned  error_code 
int load_gdt_descriptor ( Descriptor desc,
unsigned short  selector,
bool  ext 
int load_idt_descriptor ( Descriptor desc,
unsigned  event 
template<unsigned operand_size>
int logical_mem ( CpuState::Descriptor desc,
unsigned  virt,
bool  write,
void *&  res,
bool  stackop = false 
int set_segment ( CpuState::Descriptor seg,
unsigned short  sel,
bool  cplcheck = true 
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