Classes | Functions

vancouver/model/ File Reference

#include "nul/motherboard.h"
#include "nul/vcpu.h"


class  IOApic
 I/OxAPIC model. More...


 PARAM (ioapic, static unsigned ioapic_count;new IOApic(mb, IOApic::IOAPIC_BASE+0x1000 *ioapic_count, IOApic::PINS *ioapic_count);ioapic_count++;,"ioapic - create an ioapic.","The GSIs are automatically distributed, so that the first IOAPIC gets GSI0-23, the next 24-47...")

Function Documentation

PARAM ( ioapic  ,
static unsigned ioapic_count;new IOApic(mb, IOApic::IOAPIC_BASE+0x1000 *ioapic_count, IOApic::PINS *ioapic_count);ioapic_count++;  ,
"ioapic - create an ioapic."  ,
"The GSIs are automatically   distributed,
so that the first IOAPIC gets GSI0-  23,
the next 24-47..."   
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