Defines | Variables

vancouver/include/service/params.h File Reference


#define PARAM(NAME, CODE,...)
 Parameter handling.
#define PARAM_ALIAS(NAME, DESC, VALUE)   PARAM(NAME, mb.parse_args(VALUE);, #NAME " - " DESC, "value: " VALUE)
 Define an alias for a set of parameters.


long __param_table_start
long __param_table_end

Define Documentation

#define PARAM (   NAME,
const char * __parameter_##NAME##_strings[] asm ("__parameter_" #NAME "_strings") = { #NAME, ##__VA_ARGS__, 0}; \
  extern "C" void __parameter_##NAME##_function(Motherboard &mb, unsigned long *argv, const char *args, unsigned args_len) { CODE; } \
  asm volatile (".section .param; .long __parameter_" #NAME "_function, __parameter_" #NAME "_strings; .previous;");

Parameter handling.

Copyright (C) 2009, Bernhard Kauer <> Economic rights: Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany)

This file is part of Vancouver.

Vancouver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Vancouver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 2 for more details. Defines strings and functions for a parameter with the given name. The variadic part is used to store a help text.

PARAM(example, { Logging::printf("example parameter function called!\n");}, "example - this is just an example for parameter Passing", "Another help line...");

#define PARAM_ALIAS (   NAME,
)    PARAM(NAME, mb.parse_args(VALUE);, #NAME " - " DESC, "value: " VALUE)

Define an alias for a set of parameters.

Variable Documentation

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