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token.h File Reference

#include "types.h"

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class  Lex
struct  Slot
class  Token
class  TokenFifo


#define Identifier   258
#define Constant   262
#define CharConst   263
#define StringL   264
#define AssignOp   267
#define EqualOp   268
#define RelOp   269
#define ShiftOp   270
#define LogOrOp   271
#define LogAndOp   272
#define IncOp   273
#define Scope   274
#define Ellipsis   275
#define PmOp   276
#define ArrowOp   277
#define BadToken   278
#define AUTO   281
#define CHAR   282
#define CLASS   283
#define CONST   284
#define DELETE   285
#define DOUBLE   286
#define ENUM   287
#define EXTERN   288
#define FLOAT   289
#define FRIEND   290
#define INLINE   291
#define INT   292
#define LONG   293
#define NEW   294
#define OPERATOR   295
#define PRIVATE   296
#define PROTECTED   297
#define PUBLIC   298
#define REGISTER   299
#define SHORT   300
#define SIGNED   301
#define STATIC   302
#define STRUCT   303
#define TYPEDEF   304
#define UNION   305
#define UNSIGNED   306
#define VIRTUAL   307
#define VOID   308
#define VOLATILE   309
#define TEMPLATE   310
#define MUTABLE   311
#define BREAK   312
#define CASE   313
#define CONTINUE   314
#define DEFAULT   315
#define DO   316
#define ELSE   317
#define FOR   318
#define GOTO   319
#define IF   320
#define RETURN   321
#define SIZEOF   322
#define SWITCH   323
#define THIS   324
#define WHILE   325
#define ATTRIBUTE   326
#define METACLASS   327
#define UserKeyword   328
#define UserKeyword2   329
#define UserKeyword3   330
#define UserKeyword4   331
#define BOOLEAN   332
#define EXTENSION   333
#define TRY   334
#define CATCH   335
#define THROW   336
#define UserKeyword5   337
#define NAMESPACE   338
#define USING   339
#define ntDeclarator   400
#define ntName   401
#define ntFstyleCast   402
#define ntClassSpec   403
#define ntEnumSpec   404
#define ntDeclaration   405
#define ntTypedef   406
#define ntTemplateDecl   407
#define ntMetaclassDecl   408
#define ntLinkageSpec   409
#define ntAccessSpec   410
#define ntUserAccessSpec   411
#define ntUserdefKeyword   412
#define ntExternTemplate   413
#define ntAccessDecl   414
#define ntNamespaceSpec   415
#define ntUsing   416
#define ntTemplateInstantiation   417
#define ntIfStatement   420
#define ntSwitchStatement   421
#define ntWhileStatement   422
#define ntDoStatement   423
#define ntForStatement   424
#define ntBreakStatement   425
#define ntContinueStatement   426
#define ntReturnStatement   427
#define ntGotoStatement   428
#define ntCaseStatement   429
#define ntDefaultStatement   430
#define ntLabelStatement   431
#define ntExprStatement   432
#define ntTryStatement   433
#define ntCommaExpr   450
#define ntAssignExpr   451
#define ntCondExpr   452
#define ntInfixExpr   453
#define ntPmExpr   454
#define ntCastExpr   455
#define ntUnaryExpr   456
#define ntSizeofExpr   457
#define ntNewExpr   458
#define ntDeleteExpr   459
#define ntArrayExpr   460
#define ntFuncallExpr   461
#define ntPostfixExpr   462
#define ntUserStatementExpr   463
#define ntDotMemberExpr   464
#define ntArrowMemberExpr   465
#define ntParenExpr   466
#define ntStaticUserStatementExpr   467
#define ntThrowExpr   468
#define Ignore   500
#define ASM   501
#define DECLSPEC   502
#define INT64   503


bool is_blank (char c)
bool is_letter (char c)
bool is_digit (char c)
bool is_xletter (char c)
bool is_eletter (char c)
bool is_hexdigit (char c)
bool is_int_suffix (char c)
bool is_float_suffix (char c)

Define Documentation

#define ArrowOp   277

Definition at line 188 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rOperatorName(), and Parser::rPostfixExpr().

#define ASM   501

Definition at line 307 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), and Lex::ReadToken().

#define AssignOp   267

Definition at line 178 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rExpression(), and Parser::rOperatorName().

#define ATTRIBUTE   326

Definition at line 235 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadToken().

#define AUTO   281

Definition at line 190 of file token.h.

Referenced by LeafAUTO::LeafAUTO(), Parser::optStorageSpec(), parse_specifier(), and LeafAUTO::What().

#define BadToken   278

Definition at line 189 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Lex::SingleCharOp(), and Ptree::What().

#define BOOLEAN   332

Definition at line 241 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafBOOLEAN::LeafBOOLEAN(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafBOOLEAN::What().

#define BREAK   312

Definition at line 221 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement().

#define CASE   313

Definition at line 222 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement().

#define CATCH   335

Definition at line 244 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rTryStatement().

#define CHAR   282

Definition at line 191 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafCHAR::LeafCHAR(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafCHAR::What().

#define CharConst   263

Definition at line 176 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadLine(), and Parser::rPrimaryExpr().

#define CLASS   283

Definition at line 192 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Parser::rClassSpec(), and Parser::rTempArgDeclaration().

#define CONST   284

Definition at line 193 of file token.h.

Referenced by convert_decl_to_expr(), Encoding::CvQualify(), Parser::isConstructorDecl(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafCONST::LeafCONST(), Parser::optCvQualify(), parse_qualifier(), Walker::StripCvFromIntegralType(), and LeafCONST::What().

#define Constant   262

Definition at line 175 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rConstructorDecl(), Lex::ReadFloat(), Lex::ReadNumber(), and Parser::rPrimaryExpr().

#define CONTINUE   314

Definition at line 223 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement().

#define DECLSPEC   502

Definition at line 308 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), and Lex::ReadToken().

#define DEFAULT   315

Definition at line 224 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement().

#define DELETE   285

Definition at line 194 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isAllocateExpr(), Parser::rAllocateExpr(), and Parser::rOperatorName().

#define DO   316

Definition at line 225 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rDoStatement(), and Parser::rStatement().

#define DOUBLE   286

Definition at line 195 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafDOUBLE::LeafDOUBLE(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafDOUBLE::What().

#define Ellipsis   275

Definition at line 186 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rArgDeclList(), Lex::ReadSeparator(), and Parser::rTryStatement().

#define ELSE   317

Definition at line 226 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rIfStatement().

#define ENUM   287

Definition at line 196 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), and Parser::rEnumSpec().

#define EqualOp   268

Definition at line 179 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rEqualityExpr(), and Parser::rOperatorName().

#define EXTENSION   333

Definition at line 242 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadToken().

#define EXTERN   288

Definition at line 197 of file token.h.

Referenced by LeafEXTERN::LeafEXTERN(), Parser::optStorageSpec(), parse_specifier(), Parser::rDefinition(), Parser::rExternTemplateDecl(), Parser::rLinkageSpec(), and LeafEXTERN::What().

#define FLOAT   289

Definition at line 198 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafFLOAT::LeafFLOAT(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafFLOAT::What().

#define FOR   318

Definition at line 227 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rForStatement(), and Parser::rStatement().

#define FRIEND   290

Definition at line 199 of file token.h.

Referenced by LeafFRIEND::LeafFRIEND(), Parser::optMemberSpec(), Parser::rOtherDeclaration(), and LeafFRIEND::What().

#define GOTO   319

Definition at line 228 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement().

#define Identifier   258

Definition at line 174 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Parser::isPtrToMember(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), Parser::moreVarName(), Parser::rDeclaration(), Parser::rDeclarationStatement(), Parser::rDeclarator2(), Parser::rEnumBody(), Parser::rEnumSpec(), Parser::rMetaclassDecl(), Parser::rName(), Parser::rNamespaceSpec(), Parser::rPtrToMember(), Parser::rStatement(), Parser::rTempArgDeclaration(), Parser::rVarNameCore(), Lex::Screening(), and Lex::SkipExtensionToken().

#define IF   320

Definition at line 229 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rIfStatement(), and Parser::rStatement().

#define Ignore   500

Definition at line 306 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Lex::ReadComment(), Lex::ReadToken(), and Lex::SkipExtensionToken().

#define IncOp   273

Definition at line 184 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rOperatorName(), Parser::rPostfixExpr(), and Parser::rUnaryExpr().

#define INLINE   291

Definition at line 200 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::CheckHeader(), InitializeOtherKeywords(), Member::IsInlineFuncImpl(), LeafINLINE::LeafINLINE(), Parser::optMemberSpec(), parse_specifier(), and LeafINLINE::What().

#define INT   292

Definition at line 201 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafINT::LeafINT(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafINT::What().

#define INT64   503

Definition at line 309 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), and Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec().

#define LogAndOp   272

Definition at line 183 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rLogicalAndExpr(), and Parser::rOperatorName().

#define LogOrOp   271

Definition at line 182 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rLogicalOrExpr(), and Parser::rOperatorName().

#define LONG   293

Definition at line 202 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafLONG::LeafLONG(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafLONG::What().

#define METACLASS   327

Definition at line 236 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Parser::rClassMember(), Parser::rDefinition(), and Parser::rMetaclassDecl().

#define MUTABLE   311

Definition at line 220 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::CheckHeader(), LeafMUTABLE::LeafMUTABLE(), Parser::optStorageSpec(), parse_specifier(), and LeafMUTABLE::What().

#define NAMESPACE   338

Definition at line 247 of file token.h.

Referenced by LeafNAMESPACE::LeafNAMESPACE(), Parser::rDefinition(), Parser::rNamespaceSpec(), Parser::rUsing(), and LeafNAMESPACE::What().

#define NEW   294

Definition at line 203 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isAllocateExpr(), Parser::rAllocateExpr(), and Parser::rOperatorName().

#define ntAccessDecl   414

Definition at line 266 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendThisClass(), and PtreeAccessDecl::What().

#define ntAccessSpec   410

Definition at line 262 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendThisClass(), and PtreeAccessSpec::What().

#define ntArrayExpr   460

Definition at line 296 of file token.h.

#define ntArrowMemberExpr   465

Definition at line 301 of file token.h.

Referenced by ClassWalker::TranslateAssign(), ClassWalker::TranslateFuncall(), ClassWalker::TranslatePostfix(), and ClassWalker::TranslateUnary().

#define ntAssignExpr   451

Definition at line 287 of file token.h.

#define ntBreakStatement   425

Definition at line 276 of file token.h.

#define ntCaseStatement   429

Definition at line 280 of file token.h.

#define ntCastExpr   455

Definition at line 291 of file token.h.

#define ntClassSpec   403

Definition at line 255 of file token.h.

Referenced by Class::Comments(), Walker::GetClassOrEnumSpec(), Walker::GetClassTemplateSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), Parser::rTemplateDecl(), Walker::TranslateTemplateDecl(), and PtreeClassSpec::What().

#define ntCommaExpr   450

Definition at line 286 of file token.h.

#define ntCondExpr   452

Definition at line 288 of file token.h.

#define ntContinueStatement   426

Definition at line 277 of file token.h.

#define ntDeclaration   405

Definition at line 257 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendThisClass(), ClassWalker::RecordMembers(), Walker::SetDeclaratorComments(), and PtreeDeclaration::What().

#define ntDeclarator   400

Definition at line 252 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::CheckHeader(), Member::Comments(), ClassWalker::ConstructMember(), Environment::DontRecordDeclarator(), Walker::FindDeclarator(), Member::FunctionBody(), Walker::NthDeclarator(), Environment::RecordDeclarator(), ClassWalker::RecordMemberDeclaration(), Environment::RecordTemplateFunction(), Environment::RecordTypedefName(), Walker::SetDeclaratorComments(), Walker::TranslateDeclaration(), Walker::TranslateDeclarators(), Walker::TranslateNewDeclarator(), PtreeDeclarator::What(), and Walker::WhichDeclarator().

#define ntDefaultStatement   430

Definition at line 281 of file token.h.

#define ntDeleteExpr   459

Definition at line 295 of file token.h.

#define ntDoStatement   423

Definition at line 274 of file token.h.

#define ntDotMemberExpr   464

Definition at line 300 of file token.h.

Referenced by ClassWalker::TranslateAssign(), ClassWalker::TranslateFuncall(), ClassWalker::TranslatePostfix(), and ClassWalker::TranslateUnary().

#define ntEnumSpec   404

Definition at line 256 of file token.h.

Referenced by Walker::GetClassOrEnumSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and PtreeEnumSpec::What().

#define ntExprStatement   432

Definition at line 283 of file token.h.

Referenced by Program::MinimumSubst2(), and PtreeExprStatement::What().

#define ntExternTemplate   413

Definition at line 265 of file token.h.

Referenced by PtreeExternTemplate::What().

#define ntForStatement   424

Definition at line 275 of file token.h.

#define ntFstyleCast   402

Definition at line 254 of file token.h.

Referenced by PtreeFstyleCastExpr::What().

#define ntFuncallExpr   461

Definition at line 297 of file token.h.

#define ntGotoStatement   428

Definition at line 279 of file token.h.

#define ntIfStatement   420

Definition at line 271 of file token.h.

#define ntInfixExpr   453

Definition at line 289 of file token.h.

#define ntLabelStatement   431

Definition at line 282 of file token.h.

#define ntLinkageSpec   409

Definition at line 261 of file token.h.

Referenced by PtreeLinkageSpec::What().

#define ntMetaclassDecl   408

Definition at line 260 of file token.h.

Referenced by ClassWalker::RecordMembers(), and PtreeMetaclassDecl::What().

#define ntName   401

Definition at line 253 of file token.h.

Referenced by convert_node_to_name(), make_dup_leaf(), make_name(), Enum_symbol::process_value(), ptree_is_name(), and PtreeName::What().

#define ntNamespaceSpec   415

Definition at line 267 of file token.h.

Referenced by PtreeNamespaceSpec::What().

#define ntNewExpr   458

Definition at line 294 of file token.h.

#define ntParenExpr   466

Definition at line 302 of file token.h.

#define ntPmExpr   454

Definition at line 290 of file token.h.

#define ntPostfixExpr   462

Definition at line 298 of file token.h.

#define ntReturnStatement   427

Definition at line 278 of file token.h.

#define ntSizeofExpr   457

Definition at line 293 of file token.h.

#define ntStaticUserStatementExpr   467

Definition at line 303 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rExprStatement().

#define ntSwitchStatement   421

Definition at line 272 of file token.h.

#define ntTemplateDecl   407

Definition at line 259 of file token.h.

Referenced by ClassWalker::RecordMembers(), and PtreeTemplateDecl::What().

#define ntTemplateInstantiation   417

Definition at line 269 of file token.h.

Referenced by ClassWalker::RecordMembers(), and PtreeTemplateInstantiation::What().

#define ntThrowExpr   468

Definition at line 304 of file token.h.

#define ntTryStatement   433

Definition at line 284 of file token.h.

#define ntTypedef   406

Definition at line 258 of file token.h.

Referenced by Program::MinimumSubst2(), ClassWalker::RecordMembers(), and PtreeTypedef::What().

#define ntUnaryExpr   456

Definition at line 292 of file token.h.

#define ntUserAccessSpec   411

Definition at line 263 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendThisClass(), and PtreeUserAccessSpec::What().

#define ntUserdefKeyword   412

Definition at line 264 of file token.h.

Referenced by Member::Arguments(), MemberList::CheckHeader(), Member::GetUserArgumentModifiers(), Walker::TranslateArgDeclList2(), ClassWalker::TranslateStorageSpecifiers2(), and PtreeUserdefKeyword::What().

#define ntUserStatementExpr   463

Definition at line 299 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rExprStatement().

#define ntUsing   416

Definition at line 268 of file token.h.

Referenced by ClassWalker::RecordMembers(), and PtreeUsing::What().

#define ntWhileStatement   422

Definition at line 273 of file token.h.

#define OPERATOR   295

Definition at line 204 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::moreVarName(), Parser::rName(), and Parser::rVarNameCore().

#define PmOp   276

Definition at line 187 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rOperatorName(), and Parser::rPmExpr().

#define PRIVATE   296

Definition at line 205 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendBaseClass(), MemberList::AppendThisClass(), Member::IsPrivate(), LeafPRIVATE::LeafPRIVATE(), process_base_classes(), Parser::rBaseSpecifiers(), Parser::rClassMember(), and LeafPRIVATE::What().

#define PROTECTED   297

Definition at line 206 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendBaseClass(), Member::IsProtected(), LeafPROTECTED::LeafPROTECTED(), process_base_classes(), Parser::rBaseSpecifiers(), Parser::rClassMember(), and LeafPROTECTED::What().

#define PUBLIC   298

Definition at line 207 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::AppendBaseClass(), Member::IsPublic(), LeafPUBLIC::LeafPUBLIC(), process_base_classes(), Parser::rBaseSpecifiers(), Parser::rClassMember(), and LeafPUBLIC::What().

#define REGISTER   299

Definition at line 208 of file token.h.

Referenced by Member::Arguments(), LeafREGISTER::LeafREGISTER(), Parser::optStorageSpec(), parse_specifier(), Parser::rArgDeclaration(), Walker::TranslateArgDeclList2(), and LeafREGISTER::What().

#define RelOp   269

Definition at line 180 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rOperatorName(), and Parser::rRelationalExpr().

#define RETURN   321

Definition at line 230 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement().

#define Scope   274

Definition at line 185 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isAllocateExpr(), Parser::isPtrToMember(), Parser::isTemplateArgs(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), Parser::moreVarName(), Parser::rAllocateExpr(), Parser::rDeclarator2(), Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rName(), Parser::rPrimaryExpr(), Parser::rPtrToMember(), and Parser::rVarNameCore().

#define ShiftOp   270

Definition at line 181 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadSeparator(), Parser::rOperatorName(), Parser::rShiftExpr(), and Parser::rTemplateArgs().

#define SHORT   300

Definition at line 209 of file token.h.

Referenced by InitializeOtherKeywords(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafSHORT::LeafSHORT(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafSHORT::What().

#define SIGNED   301

Definition at line 210 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafSIGNED::LeafSIGNED(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafSIGNED::What().

#define SIZEOF   322

Definition at line 231 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rSizeofExpr(), and Parser::rUnaryExpr().

#define STATIC   302

Definition at line 211 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::CheckHeader(), LeafSTATIC::LeafSTATIC(), Parser::optStorageSpec(), parse_specifier(), and LeafSTATIC::What().

#define StringL   264

Definition at line 177 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rDefinition(), Lex::ReadLine(), Parser::rLinkageSpec(), and Parser::rPrimaryExpr().

#define STRUCT   303

Definition at line 212 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), and Parser::rClassSpec().

#define SWITCH   323

Definition at line 232 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement(), and Parser::rSwitchStatement().

#define TEMPLATE   310

Definition at line 219 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rClassMember(), Parser::rDefinition(), Parser::rExternTemplateDecl(), Parser::rTempArgDeclaration(), and Parser::rTemplateDecl2().

#define THIS   324

Definition at line 233 of file token.h.

Referenced by make_this(), Parser::rPrimaryExpr(), and LeafThis::What().

#define THROW   336

Definition at line 245 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::optThrowDecl(), Parser::rThrowExpr(), and Parser::rUnaryExpr().

#define TRY   334

Definition at line 243 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rStatement(), and Parser::rTryStatement().

#define TYPEDEF   304

Definition at line 213 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rClassMember(), Parser::rDefinition(), Parser::rStatement(), and Parser::rTypedef().

#define UNION   305

Definition at line 214 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), and Parser::rClassSpec().

#define UNSIGNED   306

Definition at line 215 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafUNSIGNED::LeafUNSIGNED(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafUNSIGNED::What().

#define UserKeyword   328

Definition at line 237 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isAllocateExpr(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Parser::rAllocateExpr(), Parser::rArgDeclaration(), Parser::rClassSpec(), Class::RegisterMetaclass(), Class::RegisterNewModifier(), Class::RegisterNewWhileStatement(), Parser::rPostfixExpr(), Parser::rUserdefKeyword(), and Parser::rUserdefStatement().

#define UserKeyword2   329

Definition at line 238 of file token.h.

Referenced by LeafUserKeyword2::LeafUserKeyword2(), Class::RegisterNewClosureStatement(), Parser::rPostfixExpr(), Parser::rUserdefStatement(), ClassWalker::TranslateStaticUserStatement(), ClassWalker::TranslateUserStatement(), and LeafUserKeyword2::What().

#define UserKeyword3   330

Definition at line 239 of file token.h.

Referenced by Class::RegisterNewForStatement(), Parser::rPostfixExpr(), and Parser::rUserdefStatement().

#define UserKeyword4   331

Definition at line 240 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rClassMember(), Class::RegisterNewAccessSpecifier(), and Parser::rUserAccessSpec().

#define UserKeyword5   337

Definition at line 246 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::optMemberSpec(), Class::RegisterNewMemberModifier(), and Parser::rUserdefKeyword().

#define USING   339

Definition at line 248 of file token.h.

Referenced by LeafUSING::LeafUSING(), Parser::rClassMember(), Parser::rDefinition(), Parser::rUsing(), and LeafUSING::What().

#define VIRTUAL   307

Definition at line 216 of file token.h.

Referenced by MemberList::CheckHeader(), LeafVIRTUAL::LeafVIRTUAL(), Parser::optMemberSpec(), parse_specifier(), process_base_classes(), Parser::rBaseSpecifiers(), and LeafVIRTUAL::What().

#define VOID   308

Definition at line 217 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafVOID::LeafVOID(), Parser::optIntegralTypeOrClassSpec(), Type_reader::read_type(), and LeafVOID::What().

#define VOLATILE   309

Definition at line 218 of file token.h.

Referenced by convert_decl_to_expr(), Encoding::CvQualify(), Parser::isConstructorDecl(), Parser::isTypeSpecifier(), LeafVOLATILE::LeafVOLATILE(), Parser::optCvQualify(), parse_qualifier(), Walker::StripCvFromIntegralType(), and LeafVOLATILE::What().

#define WHILE   325

Definition at line 234 of file token.h.

Referenced by Parser::rDoStatement(), Parser::rStatement(), and Parser::rWhileStatement().

Function Documentation

bool is_blank char    c [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file token.h.

bool is_digit char    c [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file token.h.

Referenced by is_hexdigit(), Lex::ReadFloat(), Lex::ReadIdentifier(), Lex::ReadLine(), Program::ReadLineDirective(), Lex::ReadNumber(), and Lex::Reify().

bool is_eletter char    c [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadFloat(), and Lex::ReadNumber().

bool is_float_suffix char    c [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadFloat().

bool is_hexdigit char    c [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file token.h.

References is_digit().

Referenced by Lex::ReadNumber().

bool is_int_suffix char    c [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadNumber(), and Lex::Reify().

bool is_letter char    c [inline]

Definition at line 149 of file token.h.

Referenced by Encoding::NameToPtree(), Lex::ReadIdentifier(), and Lex::ReadLine().

bool is_xletter char    c [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file token.h.

Referenced by Lex::ReadNumber(), and Lex::Reify().

Generated on Mon Feb 10 17:34:49 2003 for VFiasco Semantics Compiler by doxygen1.2.15