
This thread is just a sequel from http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/pipermail/l4-hackers/2013/006108.html
> Is it possible to run my application on top l4linux; like,
> if I want to run hello world application over l4linux (not just
> booting it over l4/fiasco)? I tried to run it by using this
> configuration:
> -- Start Hello loader:start( { caps = {}, l4re_bdg = L4.Dbg.Warn,
> log = {"hello","red"}, }, "rom/hello");
> -- Start Linux loader:start( { caps = { log = L4.Env.log:m("rws"),
> fb  = mag_svc:create(L4.Proto.Goos, "g=640x480"); vbus =
> vbus_l4linux; }, l4re_dbg = L4.Dbg.Warn, log = { "l4linux",
> "yellow" }, }, "rom/" .. lxname .. " mem=64M console=tty0
> l4x_rd=rom/ramdisk-" .. L4.Info.arch() .. ".rd root=1:0
> ramdisk_size=4000 init=linuxrc");
> But I think it only run two different applications over l4/fiasco.
> Do you have any idea how to run the hello application over
> l4linux?

Bjoern said:

The idea behind L4Linux is to run native Linux applications, so hello
world in L4Linux works just as the version you would write in your
local Linux.

Running an application that communicates with both L4 and Linux is a
bit more involved. L4Linux applications don't talk to L4 apps
directly. The L4Linux kernel is an L4 app though, so it can do this
talking for you. The missing link then is to write a Linux device
driver that allows your Linux program to talk to the L4Linux kernel,
which then in turn communicates with an external L4 application.

In term of running hello world in L4Linux, I can run it by passing -m32 -static in the compilation process. But, now I'm having a problem in running the mpi-based application on L4Linux which this apps needs the mpi library to be able to run. I have ported the mpi library and run the apps over L4Re by using Ned. So, based on the explanation above, I don't understand how to run the mpi-based program on top L4Linux in which the L4Linux definitely doesn't have mpi-library because the mpi-library is existed in L4Re. Is it like this, the l4linux kernel needs the device driver to communicate with external L4 apps (in my case mpi-base apps), then to trigger the communication we should make the kernel module (linux program to talk to the l4linux kernel). Am I right? Can you point one example, which is similar with my case, that can be followed by me?
