

I an confused about the bootprompt arguments mention in the l4linux.cd.k_us.cfg file that is given to the loader to load the L4Linux 2.6 kernel.


The line is :


task "vmlinuz26" "mem=44M noreplacement root=1:0 load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=4096 l4env_rd=initrd.gz panicblink=0 lang=us"


What does root=1:0 mean?


After referring to “The Linux Bootprompt – HowTo” http://ldp.rtin.bz/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1 I figured out that the argument is of the type root=/dev/*


Can anyone help me understand what “root=1:0” mean? This boot loading files are from the Fiasco-L4Linux boot cd available at http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4/LinuxOnL4/demo.shtml



