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Re: MPOA messages wrote:
> I get lots of messages like the following even though I am not running MPOA
> Jun 14 08:09:05 dns kernel: lane:(lec5) lane2_associate_ind: could not notify

This is harmless. The LANE part sees that LE_ARP_REQUEST and/or
LE_ARP_RESPONSE packets are carrying information that might
interest MPOA. Since the MPOA part is not present the LANE part
ends up littering the logs with the messages above.

I will probably send a patch to ATM distribution maintainer to
remove the message. If you would like to get rid of the message
immeaditely, you need to edit linux/net/atm/lec.c. The error
message is on about line 1004. You can safely remove the line that
has the printk() and also the line above it.

> Anyone know why? Or is this question better sent to a different list?

I hope this helps. A better list for questions pertaining to LANE/
MPOA and friends on Linux is probably linux-atm list.
See linux-atm/ for list address and subscription.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen    * TTKK/TLT, Hermiankatu 12c    * työ  (03) 365 3926     * 33720 Tampere                * fax  (03) 365 3808

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