Learning and Hacking L4

coly colyli at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 14:48:41 CET 2007

hi, do you read some papers for L4 ?  Maybe you can start from reading
these papers.


在 2007-02-27二的 22:36 +0900,Jeff Douglas写道:
> Greetings,
> I have had some interest in os development and theory for quite some
> time now, and a particular interest in L4. I'm a newbie, but I've read
> through a lot, and have done some os programming for fun in the past.
> My question is: what is your advice on learning and hacking L4?
> I've read through quite a bit of the documentation, but reading
> through specs does not seem like a good way to really understand; it
> seems like too much to digest at once. And of course, the purpose of a
> specification is to specify, not explain. I've browsed through source
> code, but that is even worse.
> I'm sorry if my question is overly broad, but I'd appreciate any
> advice that anyone can spare.
> Regards,
> JD
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