Learning and Hacking L4

Jeff Douglas inbuninbu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 17:28:33 CET 2007

Hi Coly,

I've read through the X.2 spec and some of the other papers that
looked like they might be useful. Unfortunately, they are not really
helpful to me. Or, perhaps it is better to say that they don't seem to
paint a full picture.

What I think would really be helpful is the L4 System Programmer's
Manual. I've waited for it to materialize for years now, but it still
hasn't appeared. Do you have any particular papers to suggest? Does
you know if/when the System Programmer's Manual will be released?


>hi, do you read some papers for L4 ?  Maybe you can start from reading
>these papers.
>在 2007-02-27二的 22:36 +0900,Jeff Douglas写道:
> Greetings,
> I have had some interest in os development and theory for quite some
> time now, and a particular interest in L4. I'm a newbie, but I've read
> through a lot, and have done some os programming for fun in the past.
> My question is: what is your advice on learning and hacking L4?
> I've read through quite a bit of the documentation, but reading
> through specs does not seem like a good way to really understand; it
> seems like too much to digest at once. And of course, the purpose of a
> specification is to specify, not explain. I've browsed through source
> code, but that is even worse.
> I'm sorry if my question is overly broad, but I'd appreciate any
> advice that anyone can spare.
> Regards,
> JD
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