problem booting L4Linux-2.6

kazilus kazilus amadkamal at
Sat Jan 5 03:45:31 CET 2008

hi all

i've got problem booting L4Linux

the error is 

unexpected trap while booting fiasco

below is my menu.lst

oot (hd0,2)

title FIASCO
kernel /boot/fiasco/bootstrap
modaddr 0x02000000
module /boot/fiasco/fiasco -nowait
module /boot/fiasco/sigma0
module /boot/fiasco/roottask
module /boot/fiasco/hello

title L4Linux-26/Fiasco+Serial+Console
kernel /boot/L4Linux/bootstrap
modaddr 0x06000000
module /boot/L4Linux/main -nowait -nokdb -serial_esc -comspeed -115200 -comport
module /boot/L4Linux/sigma0
module /boot/L4Linux/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 4 modules
module /boot/L4Linux/events
module /boot/L4Linux/names --events
module /boot/L4Linux/log --events
module /boot/L4Linux/dm_phys --isa=0x00800000 -v --events
module /boot/L4Linux/simple_ts -t 300 --events
#module /boot/L4Linux/rtcc --events
module /boot/L4Linux/l4io --noirq --events module
#module /boot/L4Linux/l4exec --events
module /boot/L4Linux/loader --fprov=BMODFS linux26.cfg
module /boot/L4Linux/bmodfs
module /boot/L4Linux/vmlinuz
module /boot/L4Linux/linux26.cfg
module /boot/L4Linux/
module /boot/L4Linux/

kernel    /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro vga=791

and here is my linux26.cfg

modpath "(hda0,2)/boot/L4Linux"
task "vmlinuz.serialconsole" "earlyprintk=yes console=ttyS0,115200 init=1 mem=256M root=/dev/hda3" all_sects_writable allow_vga

any idea?

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