FW: error in writing code for IPC servers & problem with Fiasco-UX

Lucyantie Mazalan lucyantie.mazalan at mimos.my
Tue Jan 29 04:35:15 CET 2008


Thanks for the reply. With this email I hope to resolve my previous problems and also seek for solution of new problem.

First, to respond you from previous email:

| * your package dir is called aes, so all include files need to be
| included through something like <l4/aes/...>

Yes, previously my package name was that but I rename the archive file name to aes for your reference. But, however I am now sending to you the fixed one which all the include path is exactly same as the package name, aes. Sorry for that.

| * the IDL file somehow needs to know about your aes_context type, so
| either include it from a header or define it inside the IDL file - I did
| so by uncommenting your stuff.

Thank you, yes I have fixed it by defining the aes_context type inside the IDL file. I have also recompiled it; generate new server code and writing new same implementation in my server's functions. 

| And this was probably your problem:
| - --->
| * The aes-client.h file should be included using
| ~      #include "aes-client.h"
| ~  without any directory prefixes. It is a generated header file which
| ~  does not end up in the L4 include dir, but resides inside the
| ~  package's IDL build dir. This is path is different from the usual
| ~  include paths and is added to your compile run automatically by BID.

Thank you for the information. Yes I have also fixed in my aes package file which includes the header with just a '#include "aes-client.h"', without the prefixes.

However, when I compile again my client code, I still got the same error which makes me more confused of where is actually the problem is. Here I attach the pkg archive and paste the errors that I get:

root at lucy-ubuntu:/# cd home/fiasco/l4/pkg/aes/examples/client/
root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/l4/pkg/aes/examples/client# make O=/home/fiasco/build/
PWD=/home/fiasco/build/pkg/aes/examples/client/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2 make  -C /home/fiasco/build/pkg/aes/examples/client/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2 -f Makefile
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fiasco/build/pkg/aes/examples/client/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2'
  ... Compiling main.o
LD_PRELOAD=/home/fiasco/build/tool/gendep/libgendep.so GENDEP_TARGET=main.o GENDEP_BINARY=cc1   gcc -m32 -c     -DUSE_UCLIBC=y -DRAM_BASE=0x0    -DSYSTEM_x86_586_l4v2 -DARCH_x86 -DCPUTYPE_586 -DL4API_l4v2 -DCONFIG_L4_CALL_SYSCALLS -DCONFIG_L4_ABS_SYSCALLS  -I/home/fiasco/build/pkg/aes/idl/OBJ-x86-l4v2 -I/home/fiasco/build/include/x86/l4v2 -I/home/fiasco/build/include/l4v2 -I/home/fiasco/build/include/x86 -I/home/fiasco/build/include -I/home/fiasco/l4/../dice/include -I/home/drops/include/x86/l4v2 -I/home/drops/include/l4v2 -I/home/drops/include/x86 -I/home/drops/include -nostdinc -I/home/fiasco/build/include/x86/uclibc -I/home/fiasco/build/include/uclibc -I/home/fiasco/build/include/uclibc++ -I/home/drops/include/x86/uclibc -I/home/drops/include/uclibc -I/home/drops/include/uclibc++ -I/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/include -gstabs+      -g -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing  -march=i586 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations  -fno-common  /home/fiasco/l4/pkg/aes/examples/client/main.c -o main.o
/home/fiasco/l4/pkg/aes/examples/client/main.c:4:51: home/fiasco/l4/pkg/aes/include/aes256.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [main.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fiasco/build/pkg/aes/examples/client/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2'
make: *** [/home/fiasco/build/pkg/aes/examples/client/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2] Error 2
root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/l4/pkg/aes/examples/client#

Second, regarding using Fiasco-UX:

I have configured, compile kernel and copied down all the binaries (fiasco, irq0, roottask, sigma0) into one folder in a way to build and use Fiasco-UX by referring to: 
I exclude ux_con binary as it is an optional. However, this is what I get when I try to run a module:

root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/kernel/fiasco/build-ux# ls
fiasco  irq0  roottask  sigma0
root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/kernel/fiasco/build-ux# fiasco -l hello
-bash: fiasco: command not found
root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/kernel/fiasco/build-ux#

What might be the errors I falls in? 

Many thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Björn Döbel [mailto:doebel at os.inf.tu-dresden.de] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 18:52
To: Lucyantie Mazalan; l4-hackers at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Subject: Re: BID-coding an encapsulate

Hash: SHA1


| | 1st - why do you build as root?
| Owh, I didn't realize it could affect me more of this privilege.

There is no need to build as root and it's usually security risk.

| | Ok. So aes_aes256_init is a function defined by your wrapper library? In
| this case you should also link your wrapper lib to your application.
| This can be done by adding
| | LIBS += -laesclient
| | to the example client's Makefile.
| I did this, but still no clue :(
| I attach the archive, thank you.

Ok, builds for me after some fixes:

* your package dir is called aes, so all include files need to be
included through something like <l4/aes/...>
* the IDL file somehow needs to know about your aes_context type, so
either include it from a header or define it inside the IDL file - I did
so by uncommenting your stuff.

And this was probably your problem:
- --->
* The aes-client.h file should be included using
~      #include "aes-client.h"
~  without any directory prefixes. It is a generated header file which
~  does not end up in the L4 include dir, but resides inside the
~  package's IDL build dir. This is path is different from the usual
~  include paths and is added to your compile run automatically by BID.


- --
Dipl.-Inf. Bjoern Doebel    Mail: doebel at tudos.org
TU Dresden, OS Chair        Phone: +49 351 463 38 799
Noethnitzer Str. 46         Fax:   +49 351 463 38 284
01187 Dresden, Germany
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org



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