Runux script to run Fiasco-UX

Lucyantie Mazalan lucyantie.mazalan at
Wed Jan 30 08:32:38 CET 2008



| | | It should be "./fiasco -l hello".

| |

| | When I try (to run existing module), I get this:

| |

| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------

| | --

| | ----

| | root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/kernel/fiasco/build-ux# ./fiasco -l 

| | hiworld

| |

| |

| | Fiasco-UX on Linux 2.6.20-15-generic (i686) Mapped 64 MB Memory + 0 KB 

| | Framebuffer + 0 MB Input Area on FD 3

| |

| | Loading Module 0x00100000-0x00109364 [sigma0] Loading Module 

| | 0x00110000-0x002af000 [roottask] Failed to open file: hiworld 

| | root at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/kernel/fiasco/build-ux#


| That's how it should look like. The error tells you that the hiworld binary is missing or has inappropriate rights. (Btw.: You're still building as     

| root...)


Thanks I have copied my binaries and it runs well.


| You might want to have a look at the scripts in l4/tool/runux - there is also a config file template which you can adapt for your system. Then you don't | always need to copy around your binaries.


I am now trying to find the mentioned script but could not find it in my l4/tool/runux. Here is what I have:



lucy at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/l4/tool$ ls

bin  config  gendep  Makefile

lucy at lucy-ubuntu:/home/fiasco/l4/tool$ slocate runux










Is there anything I should do beforehand? 


According to, I have to edit the hello file in l4/tool/runux to start Fiasco-UX which will also start my server & client binaries. I have found the same script but it is named as 'hi-runux.tex' and it is in different path - /home/fiasco/build/doc/bid-tut/-. Any help? Anyone?



Thanks in advance,






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