Error handling for reply in dice

Ronald Aigner ra3 at
Thu Mar 13 17:37:42 CET 2008

Marc Chaland wrote on 03/13/2008 04:59 PM this:
>>From Ronald Aigner:
>> When you add the error_function_server attribute to the respective
>> interface, does the generated code for the reply function contain code
>> that looks something like this?
> OK, I've tried to put this on an inherited interface. If I put it on the right
> interface, it's fine :).
> However, into error_function, I don't know how to get info on destination thread
> and call which generated error. Before reply call, I set a global variable to 0.
> error_function sets it to 1 if it is called. After reply call, I check this
> variable. If set to 1, I consider destination thread dead. Is there another way
> to do this less trickly ?
Before calling the reply function you could set the partner member of
the CORBA_Server_Environment parameter. This environment is passed to
the error function. In the error function you could then check the
partner member.

Or, there is a user_data member in the CORBA_Server_Environment, which
is of type void*. You could let it point to whatever data you need in
the error function.

Regards, Ron.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / with regards
ra3 @

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