Installing problem with gcc-4.2.3

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Wed May 14 15:34:26 CEST 2008

On Wed May 14, 2008 at 10:08:33 +0800, fei li wrote:
> Hi, all
> I have installed l4 on ubuntu8.04 these days,  the compiling process is ok,
> but  when I finished compiling the packages, i reboot and find that the grub
> doesn't support. Then i patch the grub-0.97-os.6.diff, there are errors when
> i use the gcc-4.2.3, then i turn to gcc-4.1.3, and everything is ok, but
> when i finished the grub installing, i find i can't enter the ubuntu
> 8.04, it says error 27, don't know the command, something like that. Then i
> uninstall the patched grub and install the grub from the source, it's ok,
> but i can't enter the l4, I guess you can have a test, if it's true, I guess
> we need a os.7 patch for gcc-4.2.3 or something else. That's all!

What are the compile error with gcc-4.2? I don't see any.
BTW, there's a os.7 diff now containing a few fixes but non compiler

Adam                 adam at

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