Test suite for Fiasco

Adam Lackorzynski adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Wed Aug 10 23:18:39 CEST 2011


On Wed Aug 10, 2011 at 11:00:15 -0700, Bryce CR wrote:
> Alrighty then, I'm trying to get L4Linux up and running, but I'm running
> into some small hitches. 
> Everything builds just fine, but getting the system running I'm missing
> a few things. I eventually found this in an email of Adam's from late
> last year:
> make qemu E=L4Linux-mag-x86
> MODULE_SEARCH_PATH=.../l4/conf/examples:.../fiasco/build-for-ia32:.../l4/pkg/io/config:../l4linux-x86-build:/tmp
> Before, download: wget -O /tmp/ramdisk-x86.rd http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/ramdisk-x86.rd
> This helps me pinpoint my issues:
> 1) What is io? I kept getting complaints from the build script that it couldn't find io, 
> so I tried sticking in various paths to things called "io" to no avail. None of the io's 
> on my system have the signature /l4/pkg/io/config (though I understand this is just a possibility),
> so which "io" am I looking for?

io is the component that manages the platform devices and gives them to
other clients. You're probably missing some components, you can just
'svn up' them in the pkg directory. Alternatively, repomgr knows a
target named 'l4linux_requirements' which contains everything that is
required for L4Linux.

> 2) My qemu build is insufficient, so how do the instructions change
> building for an iso? Can I simply substitute "grub2iso" for qemu"

Yes. Of course you need to have GRUB2 installed for that.

> 3) What is the purpose of the ramdisk? Does this contain grub and all
> the boot information, or does it serve some other purpose? Is it still
> necessary if building an iso?

The ramdisk contains the Linux-filesystem that L4Linux will boot off. So
with that the local disk is not touched and does not require setup for
that. It is also required for when building an image (if L4Linux should
have something to boot).

Adam                 adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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