Test suite for Fiasco

Bryce CR brycecr at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 00:33:45 CEST 2011

Got it working =]
Thanks Adam! As always, incredibly helpful and patient.

One thing:
I had followed instructions on the wiki that did have me checkout the
l4linux_requirements...but I still seemed to be missing the necessary
libraries (io and fb-drv and dependencies for those). Perhaps that's
because l4linux_requirements includes the requirements for a basic
launch, but not the L4Linux-mag-x86 target?

Anyway, thanks again~~

On Wed, 2011-08-10 at 23:18 +0200, Adam Lackorzynski wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed Aug 10, 2011 at 11:00:15 -0700, Bryce CR wrote:
> > Alrighty then, I'm trying to get L4Linux up and running, but I'm running
> > into some small hitches. 
> > 
> > Everything builds just fine, but getting the system running I'm missing
> > a few things. I eventually found this in an email of Adam's from late
> > last year:
> > 
> > make qemu E=L4Linux-mag-x86
> > MODULE_SEARCH_PATH=.../l4/conf/examples:.../fiasco/build-for-ia32:.../l4/pkg/io/config:../l4linux-x86-build:/tmp
> > 
> > Before, download: wget -O /tmp/ramdisk-x86.rd http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/ramdisk-x86.rd
> > 
> > This helps me pinpoint my issues:
> > 1) What is io? I kept getting complaints from the build script that it couldn't find io, 
> > so I tried sticking in various paths to things called "io" to no avail. None of the io's 
> > on my system have the signature /l4/pkg/io/config (though I understand this is just a possibility),
> > so which "io" am I looking for?
> io is the component that manages the platform devices and gives them to
> other clients. You're probably missing some components, you can just
> 'svn up' them in the pkg directory. Alternatively, repomgr knows a
> target named 'l4linux_requirements' which contains everything that is
> required for L4Linux.
> > 2) My qemu build is insufficient, so how do the instructions change
> > building for an iso? Can I simply substitute "grub2iso" for qemu"
> Yes. Of course you need to have GRUB2 installed for that.
> > 3) What is the purpose of the ramdisk? Does this contain grub and all
> > the boot information, or does it serve some other purpose? Is it still
> > necessary if building an iso?
> The ramdisk contains the Linux-filesystem that L4Linux will boot off. So
> with that the local disk is not touched and does not require setup for
> that. It is also required for when building an image (if L4Linux should
> have something to boot).
> Adam

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