executing snort(IDS)on l4 linux

Matthias Lange matthias.lange at kernkonzept.com
Thu Jan 22 15:31:22 CET 2015


On 01/21/2015 05:32 AM, Vidya Lakshmi wrote:
> Greetings sir,
> We have been trying to run networking applications like IDS (SNORT) in
> L4RE. We are able to run IDS on Ubuntu. Can we use the same IDS
> application on the para-virtualized Linux(L4 Linux) environment without
> modifying the IDS application OR should we generate modules.list and
> conf files  for its execution.

Yes, you can run existing Linux application in L4Linux.

>  Also please suggest us any network security application to run on
> l4RE-FIASCO.OC. Please guide us.

Sorry, but this question is to generic to answer. Maybe you can describe
your use-case in more detail?


Matthias Lange, matthias.lange at kernkonzept.com, +49 - 351 - 41 88 86 14

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