dde kit

Daniel Krefft daniel.krefft at tum.de
Fri Mar 13 10:25:52 CET 2015


thanks for the quick reply. Some details about the course:
1) The students should get comfortable with (basic) Linux driver development
2) The basic setup is as follows

/-------\     /------\     /--------\
| sensor  | -> | logic | -> | actuator |
\-------/     \------/     \--------/
                   ^                 ^
                 USB/UART  USB/UART

*sensor*: e.g. temperature bundled with olimex (ARM) board
     - Get sensor data and aggregate

*logic*: e.g. ARM-based Cubieboard/BBB or similar
     - Driver to read out sensor data (Fiasco.OC + DDEKit)
     - Logic (Analyse/Plan) to react on sensed data
     - Generate commands (e.g. speed up or break)

*actuator*: e.g. Arduino plus engine
     - Execute commands
     - Control the engine

3) We're using Fiasco.OC in our research (automotive area) and need to 
combine sensor/logic and actuator to simulate a vehicular 
environment/system. On the lecture side we teach Linux driver 
development since several years. So to combine both approaches and get 
the best of both worlds we decided to use the DDEKit to make this 
possible. The vision is to develop (simple) Linux driver for the 
sensor-boards (as usual) and embedded them in Fiasco.OC without or 
little changes.


Am 13.03.15 um 09:35 schrieb Björn Döbel:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
>> we want to use the ddekit in one of our courses next summer term.
>> So, to get comfortable with the setup and the toolchain I would
>> like to ask if a step by step guide to get the ddekit up and
>> running exists?
> There is no general-purpose guide on that, I'm afraid. Perhaps you
> could provide us some detail on what you want to achieve in your
> course? What platform will you be working on? Why DDEKit?
> Cheers,
> Bjoern
> - -- 
> Dr.-Ing. Bjoern Doebel      Mail:  doebel at tudos.org
> TU Dresden, OS Chair        Phone: +49 351 463 38 799
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> 01187 Dresden, Germany      WWW:   http://www.tudos.org/~doebel
> - --
> "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think
>   sardines will be thrown into the sea." (Eric Cantona)
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* Daniel Krefft M.Sc.
* T: +49-89-289-18791
* Technische Universitaet Muenchen
* Fakultaet fuer Informatik - F13  (Prof. Baumgarten)
* Boltzmannstr. 3
* D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen
* Germany

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