dde kit

Björn Döbel doebel at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Fri Mar 13 15:20:10 CET 2015

Hash: SHA1


sounds reasonable. The idea of DDE is that you can reuse an existing
Linux driver on top of L4Re without modifications. (Caveat: the
DDE/Linux interface is currently still 2.6.29). So you might let your
students write and test their driver for Linux before moving to a
Fiasco/L4Re-based platform.

As for how this is done, dde/linux26/examples contains two ethernet
drivers using DDE/Linux. And then there is the Ankh network
multiplexer that incorporates a couple of more NIC drivers from Linux.

Note the distinction between DDE and DDEKit: DDE is the wrapper that
allows you to reuse Linux drivers. DDEKit is a substrate below that
and provides a kind-of generic device interface. That means, instead
of writing a Linux driver and linking it with DDE/Linux, you might
also directly write an L4Re device driver using the DDEKit interface.
This has the benefit that you only have to understand a single
interface instead of digging deeper into Io, Memory allocation etc.

If you don't mind the latter, you can of course as a third option also
write your driver as a native L4Re application and directly issue the
respective calls to the IO server.


On 13.03.2015 10:25, Daniel Krefft wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the quick reply. Some details about the course: 1) The 
> students should get comfortable with (basic) Linux driver 
> development 2) The basic setup is as follows
> /-------\     /------\     /--------\ | sensor  | -> | logic | ->
> | actuator | \-------/     \------/     \--------/ ^ ^ USB/UART
> *sensor*: e.g. temperature bundled with olimex (ARM) board - Get 
> sensor data and aggregate
> *logic*: e.g. ARM-based Cubieboard/BBB or similar - Driver to read 
> out sensor data (Fiasco.OC + DDEKit) - Logic (Analyse/Plan) to 
> react on sensed data - Generate commands (e.g. speed up or break)
> *actuator*: e.g. Arduino plus engine - Execute commands - Control 
> the engine
> 3) We're using Fiasco.OC in our research (automotive area) and
> need to combine sensor/logic and actuator to simulate a vehicular 
> environment/system. On the lecture side we teach Linux driver 
> development since several years. So to combine both approaches and 
> get the best of both worlds we decided to use the DDEKit to make 
> this possible. The vision is to develop (simple) Linux driver for 
> the sensor-boards (as usual) and embedded them in Fiasco.OC
> without or little changes.
> Regards, Daniel
> Am 13.03.15 um 09:35 schrieb Björn Döbel: Hi,
>>>> we want to use the ddekit in one of our courses next summer 
>>>> term. So, to get comfortable with the setup and the
>>>> toolchain I would like to ask if a step by step guide to get
>>>> the ddekit up and running exists?
> There is no general-purpose guide on that, I'm afraid. Perhaps you
>  could provide us some detail on what you want to achieve in your 
> course? What platform will you be working on? Why DDEKit?
> Cheers, Bjoern -- Dr.-Ing. Bjoern Doebel      Mail: 
> doebel at tudos.org TU Dresden, OS Chair        Phone: +49 351 463 38 
> 799 Noethnitzer Str. 46         Fax:   +49 351 463 38 284 01187 
> Dresden, Germany      WWW:   http://www.tudos.org/~doebel
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- -- 
Dr.-Ing. Bjoern Doebel      Mail:  doebel at tudos.org
TU Dresden, OS Chair        Phone: +49 351 463 38 799
Noethnitzer Str. 46         Fax:   +49 351 463 38 284
01187 Dresden, Germany      WWW:   http://www.tudos.org/~doebel
- --
"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think
 sardines will be thrown into the sea." (Eric Cantona)
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