
Janis Danisevskis werwurm at
Fri May 8 08:59:14 CEST 2015



new (_i) T(...)

part is most likely a "placement new" ("most likely" because "new" can
be overloaded but I don't think this is the case here). That is, it
initializes an object of type T at the memory location given by the
pointer _i, calling its constructor.

The use of the ellipse declares ("typename... A") or unpacks
("A&&... args") a parameter pack. Read up on "variadic template
parameters" if this is new to you.
This means, "construct" can take any argument list that T has a
constructor for.

In short the cxx::forward allows the compiler to optimize argument
passing. Read up on "perfect forwarding in C++".

Why it may not have compiled in your eclipse project:
Variadic templates (...) as well as r-value references (&& (in fact here
&& specifies universal references rather than r-value references)) are
only available in C++ since c++11 so you might want to tell your
compiler to use this standard (e.g. g++ -std=c++11).

Hope this clarifies things a bit.


Am 08.05.2015 um 08:10 schrieb watermirror:
> hi, 
> template< typename T >
> class Static_object
> {
> public:
> ....
>   template< typename... A >
>   T *construct(A&&... args)
>   { return new (_i) T(cxx::forward<A>(args)...); }
> ...
> };
> this template class is defined in fiasco/src/types.h, what does the
> method 'construct' mean?
> i have tried to move this class to eclipse cdt project, but it can not
> be compiled correctly. how does this class be compiled in fiasco?
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