Fiasco.OC development version available on github

Christian Ludwig christian_ludwig at
Thu Feb 22 07:24:34 CET 2018


On Wednesday, 21. February 2018, 17:11:22 Matthias Lange wrote:
> Kernkonzept proudly announces the availability of a development version of
> the Fiasco.OC microkernel on github [1]. It features a detailed history and
> will be updated regularly. Those interested in exploring the latest changes
> can amend the latest L4Re snapshot release (see [2]) with this development
> version.
> We plan to release development versions of the build system and selected
> userspace components in the weeks ahead.
> So, let us know what you think.

Great job!

Does that mean you track issues and accept pull requests on GitHub, too? What 
are your plans in that direction?

So long,

 - Christian

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