How to compile the fiasco kernel test directory?

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Thu Apr 16 23:04:21 CEST 2015


On Thu Apr 16, 2015 at 10:39:16 +0800, Liu Xiaodong wrote:
> Hi,I got a tar ball(l4re-snapshot-2014092821.tar.bz2) from fiasco website. I see a directory for test
> under the fiasco kernel source path: /l4re-snapshot-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/src/test/. But I can't
> compile them in the normal way, such as that you discrbed in the website
> I really want to do some kernel tests on fiaso. If you can tell me how to compile the fiasco kernel test directory,
> it will be very helpful, and I will appreciate it.

You need to build Fiasco for the Linux platform target (Fiasco UX).
Then, it's currently disabled in the src/Modules.ux file, enable it
(change ifeq on line 329). The tests will then be run with "make

> By the way, the test source code seems to not be included completely. Such as
> /l4re-snapshot-2014092821/src/kernel/fiasco/src/test/space/
> #include "space.h"
> I can't find headfile "space.h" in the tar ball, and there is no define about "space_index_t"  too. can you tell me why?

The header files are created while building Fiasco. You'll find it in
the build directory after Fiasco-UX has been built.

Adam                 adam at

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