read/write to virtual address

Daniel Krefft daniel.krefft at
Tue Feb 14 10:38:26 CET 2017


while working on a checkpoint/restore mechanism for fiasco.oc, we want
to trace read and write (kernel) calls to (virtual) memory.

1) Where are these calls defined? We're just able to find ARM specific
calls inside the kernel, which allow writing and reading to/from a
virtual address

2) Are these calls (if existent) platform agnostic (user-space)? Is
there any kind of interface?

Best regards

Daniel Krefft MSc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Fakultaet fuer Informatik
Lehrstuhl fuer Betriebssysteme

Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Muenchen

Tel. +49 89 289 18791

daniel.krefft at

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