Poll for Separation Kernel (microkernel) CC Protection Profile

Holger Blasum holger.blasum at sysgo.com
Mon Nov 26 12:08:22 CET 2018

Hello l4-hackers,

microkernel-based systems can be used as separation kernels[*]
for security. 

At the moment there is a poll on input for a Common Criteria 
for Information Technology Security (CC) separation
kernel protection profile draft, organized by a certMILS.eu
colleague from Rostock Univ, at


The idea is to have a base protection profile (PP) that
all players can agree with and to specify additional functionality
as add-ons to the PP (e.g., in the form of PP modules).
The questionnaire is an opportunity to provide early feedback. Note
that there are no mandatory questions, i.e. you can freely move around /
you can leave any question unanswered - the only condition for your
feedback be submitted to the collection system is that you go to the last
page and use the submit button there. We invite feedback via that poll 
by end of this week.

If, beyond the questionnaire, you want to join the Common Criteria User's 
Forum separation kernel working group, or anyone would like to have more
time, just let me know by answering to this email.

[*] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_Independent_Levels_of_Security


Holger Blasum, SYSGO

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