Blender Gallery
This site contains a collection of the results of my Blender toying sessions.
It will grow as soon as I get some more satisfying results.

This is the result of my experiments with the radiosity feature
of Blender. I really like the realistic look of the soft shadows and the depth
of this minimalistic scene. The spotlights that make the material look harder are
created using a light source with only a specular part, casting no shadows. The object
is low-poly modelled by hand and subsurfaced afterwards. As I like the shape of
the object, I decided to take it as logo for the DOpE windowing server. It is now
the default background image of DOpE.

With this scene I tried out modeling using subsurfaces and discovered several
features of Blender such as texturing, distortion maps and different light sources.
Thanks to the very inspiring
Blender Online Documentation, my learning curve was quite steep.
The logo at the package was actually rendered using POV-Ray. I created the
rest of the package texture using OmniGraffle. The bump map and distortion map
for the plastic and the single pill were made using the Gimp.
The instruction leaflet is actually a scan of a real one.