This is the complete list of members for Cycleburner, including all inherited members.
__attribute__((noreturn)) run(Utcb *utcb | Cycleburner | |
NovaProgram::__attribute__((nonnull(6))) unsigned create_ec_helper(C *tls | NovaProgram | protected |
_cap_ | CapAllocator | |
_cap_block | NovaProgram | protected |
_cap_order | CapAllocator | |
_cap_start | CapAllocator | |
_console_data | ProgramConsole | protected |
_free_phys | NovaProgram | protected |
_free_virt | NovaProgram | protected |
_hip | NovaProgram | protected |
_vga_console | ProgramConsole | protected |
_vga_regs | ProgramConsole | protected |
_virt_phys | NovaProgram | protected |
alloc_cap(unsigned count=1) | CapAllocator | inline |
alloc_utcb() | NovaProgram | inlineprotected |
block_forever() | Cycleburner | |
cap | NovaProgram | protected |
CapAllocator(unsigned long cap_, unsigned long cap_start, unsigned long cap_order) | CapAllocator | inline |
clock | Cycleburner | |
console_init("CYC", new Semaphore(alloc_cap(), true)) | Cycleburner | |
ProgramConsole::console_init(const char *name, Semaphore *sem) | ProgramConsole | inlineprotected |
cpunr | NovaProgram | protected |
dealloc_cap(unsigned cap, unsigned count=1) | CapAllocator | inline |
debug_getname() | Cycleburner | inlineprivate |
dlmalloc_init(alloc_cap(0x1000)) | Cycleburner | |
excbase | NovaProgram | protected |
exit(const char *msg) | NovaProgram | inlinestatic |
func | NovaProgram | protected |
gen_sinlut() | Cycleburner | |
gen_sqrtlut() | Cycleburner | |
ia | Cycleburner | |
init(hip) | Cycleburner | |
init_mem(hip) | Cycleburner | |
NovaProgram::init_mem(Hip *hip) | NovaProgram | inlineprotected |
local | NovaProgram | protected |
mycpu() | BaseProgram | inlinestatic |
myutcb(unsigned long esp=0) | BaseProgram | inlinestatic |
NovaProgram() | NovaProgram | inline |
pa | Cycleburner | |
putc(void *data, int value) | ProgramConsole | inlineprotectedstatic |
qa | Cycleburner | |
request_mapping(char *start, unsigned long size, unsigned long hotspot) | BaseProgram | inlinestatic |
revoke_all_mem(void *address, unsigned long size, unsigned rights, bool myself) | BaseProgram | inlinestatic |
sem | Cycleburner | |
stack_size | BaseProgram | static |
stack_size_shift | BaseProgram | static |
starttime | Cycleburner | |
timer_service | Cycleburner | |
utcb_out | NovaProgram | protected |
while(1) | Cycleburner | inline |