Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- b -
- b() : L4Re::Video::Pixel_info
- Bad_address : L4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptor
- Bad_descriptor() : L4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptor
- Bad_flags : L4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptor
- Bad_next : L4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptor
- Bad_rights : L4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptor
- Bad_size : L4virtio::Svr::Bad_descriptor
- bank_size : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- banked_number_of_image_pages : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- base() : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- Base_avl_set() : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >
- Base_exception() : L4::Base_exception
- base_x() : L4::Ipc::Gen_fpage
- bdr : l4_buf_regs_t
- Be_file_system() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file_system
- before_reply() : L4::Ipc_svr::Timeout_queue_hooks< HOOKS, BR_MAN >
- begin() : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >, cxx::Bits::Basic_list< POLICY >, cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >, L4::Ipc::Varg_list_ref
- Bidirectional : L4Re::Dma_space
- binary : l4re_aux_t
- bind() : L4::Icu, L4::Iommu, L4::Thread::Attr
- bind_notification_irq() : L4virtio::Driver::Device
- bind_rx_notification_irq() : L4virtio::Driver::Virtio_net_device
- bind_thread() : L4::Rcv_endpoint
- bind_vcpu() : L4::Irq
- bit() : cxx::Bitmap_base
- bit_index() : cxx::Bitmap_base
- Bitmap() : cxx::Bitmap< BITS >
- Bits : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- bits_enum_type : L4::Types::Flags< BITS_ENUM, UNDERLYING >
- bits_per_pixel() : L4Re::Video::Pixel_info, l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- Bits_type : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- blk_size : l4virtio_block_config_t
- Block_dev_base() : L4virtio::Svr::Block_dev_base< Ds_data >
- blue_field_position : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- blue_mask_size : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- boot_device : l4util_mb_info_t
- boot_loader_name : l4util_mb_info_t
- Bootloader : L4::Kip::Mem_desc
- bp : l4_vcpu_regs_t
- br : l4_buf_regs_t
- Br_manager() : L4Re::Util::Br_manager
- Bst() : cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >
- Bst_node() : cxx::Bits::Bst_node
- buf() : L4Re::Util::Event_buffer_t< PAYLOAD >
- buffer() : L4Re::Util::Event_t< PAYLOAD >, Virtio_net_request
- buffer_index : L4Re::Video::View::Info, l4re_video_view_info_t
- buffer_offset : L4Re::Video::View::Info, l4re_video_view_info_t
- Bufferable : L4Re::Dataspace::F
- Buffered : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- bus_cap() : L4vbus::Device
- bx : l4_vcpu_regs_t
- bytes_filled : l4shmc_ringbuf_head_t
- bytes_per_line : L4Re::Video::View::Info, l4re_video_view_info_t
- bytes_per_pixel() : L4Re::Video::Pixel_info, l4re_video_pixel_info_t
- bytes_per_scanline : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t