►NBlock_device | |
►NErrand | |
CErrand | Wrapper for a small task executed asynchronously in the server loop |
CPoll_errand | Wrapper for a regularly repeated task |
►NImpl | |
CPartitioned_device_discard_mixin | Dummy class used when the device class is not derived from Device_discard_feature |
CPartitioned_device_discard_mixin< PART_DEV, BASE_DEV, true > | Mixin implementing discard for partition devices |
CDevice_discard_feature | Partial interface for devices that offer discard functionality |
CDevice_mgr | Basic class that scans devices and handles client connections |
CDevice_with_notification_domain | Device with a per-device notification domain |
CDma_region_info | Base class used by the driver implementation to derive its own DMA mapping tracking structure |
CInout_block | Description of an inout block to be sent to the device |
CInout_memory | Helper class that temporarily allocates memory that can be used for in/out operations with the device |
CMem_region_info | Additional info stored in each L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t used for tracking dataspace-wide DMA mappings |
CNotification_domain | Opaque type for representing a notification domain |
CPartition_info | Information about a single partition |
CPartition_reader | Partition table reader for block devices |
CPartitioned_device | A partition device for the given device interface |
CPending_request | Interface for pending requests |
CRr_scheduler | Round Robin scheduler class |
CScheduler_base | Scheduler base class |
►Ncxx | Our C++ library |
►NBits | Internal helpers for the cxx package |
CAvl_map_get_key | Key-getter for Avl_map |
CAvl_set_get_key | Internal, key-getter for Avl_set nodes |
►CBase_avl_set | Internal: AVL set with internally managed nodes |
CNode | A smart pointer to a tree item |
CBasic_list | Internal: Common functions for all head-based list implementations |
CBst | Basic binary search tree (BST) |
CBst_node | Basic type of a node in a binary search tree (BST) |
CDirection | The direction to go in a binary search tree |
CSmart_ptr_list | List of smart-pointer-managed objects |
CSmart_ptr_list_item | List item for an arbitrary item in a Smart_ptr_list |
CAvl_map | AVL tree based associative container |
CAvl_set | AVL set for simple comparable items |
CAvl_tree | A generic AVL tree |
CAvl_tree_node | Node of an AVL tree |
►CBase_slab | Basic slab allocator |
CSlab_i | Type of a slab |
CBase_slab_static | Merged slab allocator (allocators for objects of the same size are merged together) |
►CBitfield | Definition for a member (part) of a bit field |
CValue | Internal helper type |
CValue_base | Internal helper type |
CValue_unshifted | Internal helper type |
CBitmap | A static bitmap |
►CBitmap_base | Basic bitmap abstraction |
CBit | A writable bit in a bitmap |
CChar | Helper abstraction for a byte contained in the bitmap |
CWord | Helper abstraction for a word contained in the bitmap |
CH_list | General double-linked list of unspecified cxx::H_list_item elements |
CH_list_item_t | Basic element type for a double-linked H_list |
CH_list_t | Double-linked list of typed H_list_item_t elements |
►CList | Doubly linked list, with internal allocation |
CIter | Iterator |
CList_alloc | Standard list-based allocator |
►CList_item | Basic list item |
CIter | Iterator for a list of ListItem-s |
CT_iter | Iterator for derived classes from ListItem |
CLt_functor | Generic comparator class that defaults to the less-than operator |
CNew_allocator | Standard allocator based on operator new () |
CNothrow | Helper type to distinguish the operator new version that does not throw exceptions |
CPair | Pair of two values |
CPair_first_compare | Comparison functor for Pair |
CRef_obj_list_item | Item for list linked via cxx::Ref_ptr with default refence counting |
CRef_ptr | A reference-counting pointer with automatic cleanup |
CS_list | Simple single-linked list |
CSlab | Slab allocator for object of type Type |
CSlab_static | Merged slab allocator (allocators for objects of the same size are merged together) |
Cstatic_vector | Simple encapsulation for a dynamically allocated array |
CString | Allocation free string class with explicit length field |
CWeak_ref | Typed weak reference to an object of type T |
►CWeak_ref_base | Generic (base) weak reference to some object |
CList | The list type for keeping all weak references to an object |
►NL4 | L4 low-level kernel interface |
►NIpc | IPC related functionality |
►NMsg | IPC Message related functionality |
CClnt_val_ops | Defines client-side handling of ‘MTYPE’ as RPC argument |
CCls_buffer | Marker type for receive buffer values |
CCls_data | Marker type for data values |
CCls_item | Marker type for item values |
CDir_in | Marker type for input values |
CDir_out | Marker type for output values |
CDo_in_data | Marker for Input data |
CDo_in_items | Marker for Input items |
CDo_out_data | Marker for Output data |
CDo_out_items | Marker for Output items |
CDo_rcv_buffers | Marker for receive buffers |
CElem< Array< A, LEN > & > | Array as output argument |
CElem< Array< A, LEN > > | Array as input arguments |
CElem< Array_ref< A, LEN > & > | Array_ref as output argument |
CIs_valid_rpc_type | Type trait defining a valid RPC parameter type |
CSvr_arg_pack | Server-side RPC arguments data structure used to provide arguments to the server-side implementation of an RPC function |
CSvr_val_ops | Defines server-side handling for MTYPE server arguments |
CArray | Array data type for dynamically sized arrays in RPCs |
CArray_in_buf | Server-side copy in buffer for Array |
CArray_ref | Array reference data type for arrays located in the message |
CAs_value | Pass the argument as plain data value |
CCall | RPC attribute for a standard RPC call |
CCall_t | RPC attribute for an RPC call with required rights |
CCall_zero_send_timeout | RPC attribute for an RPC call, with zero send timeout |
CCap | Capability type for RPC interfaces (see L4::Cap<T> ) |
CGen_fpage | Generic RPC base for typed message items |
CIn_out | Mark an argument as in-out argument |
CIostream | Input/Output stream for IPC [un]marshalling |
CIstream | Input stream for IPC unmarshalling |
CMsg_ptr | Pointer to an element of type T in an Ipc::Istream |
COpt | Attribute for defining an optional RPC argument |
COstream | Output stream for IPC marshalling |
COut | Mark an argument as a output value in an RPC signature |
CRcv_fpage | Non-small receive item |
CRet_array | Dynamically sized output array of type T |
CSend_only | RPC attribute for a send-only RPC |
CSmall_buf | A receive item for receiving a single object capability |
CSnd_fpage | Send item or return item |
CStr_cp_in | Abstraction for extracting a zero-terminated string from an Ipc::Istream |
CVarg | Variably sized RPC argument |
CVarg_list | Self-contained list of variable-sized RPC parameters |
►CVarg_list_ref | List of variable-sized RPC parameters as received by the server |
CIterator | Iterator for Valists |
►NIpc_svr | Helper classes for L4::Server instantiation |
CBr_manager_no_buffers | Empty implementation of Server_iface |
CCompound_reply | Mix in for LOOP_HOOKS to always use compound reply and wait |
CDbg_dispatch | Dispatch helper that, in addition to what Exc_dispatch does, prints exception messages |
CDefault_loop_hooks | Default LOOP_HOOKS |
CDefault_setup_wait | Mix in for LOOP_HOOKS for setup_wait no op |
CDefault_timeout | Mix in for LOOP_HOOKS to use a 0 send and a infinite receive timeout |
CDirect_dispatch | Direct dispatch helper, for forwarding dispatch calls to a registry R |
CDirect_dispatch< R * > | Direct dispatch helper, for forwarding dispatch calls via a pointer to a registry R |
CExc_dispatch | Dispatch helper wrapping try {} catch {} around the dispatch call |
CIgnore_errors | Mix in for LOOP_HOOKS to ignore IPC errors |
CServer_iface | Interface for server-loop related functions |
CTimeout | Callback interface for Timeout_queue |
CTimeout_queue | Timeout queue to be used in l4re server loop |
CTimeout_queue_hooks | Loop hooks mixin for integrating a timeout queue into the server loop |
►NKip | |
CMem_desc | Memory descriptors stored in the kernel interface page |
►NTypeid | Definition of interface data-type helpers |
►NDetail | |
C_Rpcs | Empty list of RPCs |
►C_Rpcs< OPCODE, O, R, X... > | Non-empty list of RPCs |
CRpc | Find the given RPC in the list |
CRpcs_end | Internal end-of-list marker |
CP_dispatch | Use for protocol based dispatch stage |
CRaw_ipc | RPCs list for passing raw incoming IPC to the server object |
CRpc_nocode | List of RPCs of an interface using a single operation without an opcode |
CRpcs | Standard list of RPCs of an interface |
►CRpcs_code | List of RPCs of an interface using a special opcode type |
CF | |
CRpcs_sys | List of RPCs typically used for kernel interfaces |
►NTypes | L4 basic type helpers for C++ |
CBool | Boolean meta type |
CFalse | False meta value |
CFlags | Template for defining typical Flags bitmaps |
CFlags_ops_t | Mixin class to define a set of friend bitwise operators on DT |
CFlags_t | Template type to define a flags type with bitwise operations |
CInt_for_size | Metafunction to get an unsigned integral type for the given size |
CInt_for_type | Metafunction to get an integral type of the same size as T |
CSame | Compare two data types for equality |
CTrue | True meta value |
CAlloc_list | A simple list-based allocator |
CArm_smccc | Wrapper for function calls that follow the ARM SMC/HVC calling convention |
CBase_exception | Base class for all exceptions, thrown by the L4Re framework |
CBasic_registry | This registry returns the corresponding server object based on the label of an Ipc_gate |
CBounds_error | Access out of bounds |
CCap | C++ interface for capabilities |
CCap_base | Base class for all kinds of capabilities |
CCom_error | Error conditions during IPC |
CDebugger | C++ kernel debugger API |
CElement_already_exists | Exception for duplicate element insertions |
CElement_not_found | Exception for a failed lookup (element not found) |
CEpiface | Base class for interface implementations |
CEpiface_t | Epiface implementation for Kobject-based interface implementations |
CEpiface_t0 | Epiface mixin for generic Kobject-based interfaces |
CException | Exception interface |
CException_tracer | Back-trace support for exceptions |
►CFactory | C++ Factory interface, see Factory for the C interface |
CLstr | Special type to add a pascal string into the factory create stream |
CNil | Special type to add a void argument into the factory create stream |
CS | Stream class for the create() argument stream |
►CIcu | C++ Icu interface, see Interrupt controller for the C interface |
CInfo | This class encapsulates information about an ICU |
CInvalid_capability | Indicates that an invalid object was invoked |
CIo_pager | Io_pager interface |
CIommu | Interface for IO-MMUs used for DMA remapping |
CIOModifier | Modifier class for the IO stream |
CIpc_gate | The C++ IPC gate interface, see IPC-Gate API for the C interface |
CIrq | C++ Irq interface, see IRQs for the C interface |
CIrq_eoi | Interface for sending an unmask message to an object |
CIrq_handler_object | Server object base class for handling IRQ messages |
CIrqep_t | Epiface implementation for interrupt handlers |
CKobject | Base class for all kinds of kernel objects and remote objects, referenced by capabilities |
CKobject_2t | Helper class to create an L4Re interface class that is derived from two base classes (see L4::Kobject_t ) |
CKobject_3t | Helper class to create an L4Re interface class that is derived from three base classes (see L4::Kobject_t ) |
CKobject_demand | Get the combined server-side resource requirements for all type T.. |
CKobject_t | Helper class to create an L4Re interface class that is derived from a single base class |
CKobject_typeid | Meta object for handling access to type information of Kobjects |
CKobject_typeid< void > | Minimalistic ID for void interface |
CKobject_x | Generic Kobject inheritance template |
CLock_guard | Basic lock guard implementation that prevents forgotten unlocks on exit paths from a method or a block of code |
CMeta | Meta interface that shall be implemented by each L4Re object and gives access to the dynamic type information for L4Re objects |
COut_of_memory | Exception signalling insufficient memory |
CPager | Pager interface including the Io_pager interface |
CPlatform_control | L4 C++ interface for controlling platform-wide properties, see Platform Control C API for the C interface |
CPoll_timeout_counter | Evaluate an expression for a maximum number of times |
CPoll_timeout_kipclock | A polling timeout based on the L4Re clock |
CProto_t | Data type for defining protocol numbers |
CRcv_endpoint | Interface for kernel objects that allow to receive IPC from them |
CRegistry_iface | Abstract interface for object registries |
CRuntime_error | Exception for an abstract runtime error |
CScheduler | C++ interface of the Scheduler kernel object, see Scheduler for the C interface |
CSemaphore | C++ Kernel-provided semaphore interface, see Kernel-provided semaphore for the C interface |
CServer | Basic server loop for handling client requests |
CServer_object | Abstract server object to be used with L4::Server and L4::Basic_registry |
CServer_object_t | Base class (template) for server implementing server objects |
CServer_object_x | Helper class to implement p_dispatch based server objects |
CSmart_cap | Smart capability class |
CString | A null-terminated string container class |
CTask | C++ interface of the Task kernel object, see Task for the C interface |
►CThread | C++ L4 kernel thread interface, see Thread for the C interface |
CAttr | Thread attributes used for control() |
CModify_senders | Class wrapping a list of rules which modify the sender label of IPC messages inbound to this thread |
CTriggerable | Interface that allows an object to be triggered by some source |
►CType_info | Dynamic Type Information for L4Re Interfaces |
CDemand | Data type for expressing the needed receive buffers at the server-side of an interface |
CDemand_t | Template type statically describing demand of receive buffers |
CDemand_union_t | Template type statically describing the combination of two Demand object |
CUart | Uart driver abstraction |
CUart_apb | Driver for the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) UART from the Cortex-M System Design Kit (CMSDK) |
CUnknown_error | Exception for an unknown condition |
CVcon | C++ L4 Vcon interface, see Virtual Console for the C interface |
CVm | Virtual machine host address space |
►NL4drivers | |
CMmio_register_block | An MMIO block with up to 64-bit register access (32-bit default) and little endian byte order |
CRegister_block | Handles a reference to a register block of the given maximum access width |
CRegister_block_base | Abstract register block interface |
CRegister_block_impl | Implementation helper for register blocks |
CRegister_block_tmpl | Helper template that translates to the Register_block_base interface |
CRegister_tmpl | Single hardware register inside a Register_block_base interface |
CRo_register_block | Handles a reference to a read only register block of the given maximum access width |
CRo_register_tmpl | Single read only register inside a Register_block_base interface |
►NL4Re | L4Re C++ Interfaces |
►NNed | |
CCmd_control | Direct control interface for Ned |
►NUtil | Documentation of the L4 Runtime Environment utility functionality in C++ |
►NNames | |
CName | Name class |
CName_space | Abstract server-side implementation of the L4::Namespace interface |
►NVideo | |
CGoos_svr | Goos server class |
C_Cap_alloc | Adapter to expose the cap allocator implementation as L4Re::Cap_alloc compatible class |
CBr_manager | Buffer-register (BR) manager for L4::Server |
CBr_manager_hooks | Predefined server-loop hooks for a server loop using the Br_manager |
CBr_manager_timeout_hooks | Predefined server-loop hooks for a server with using the Br_manager and a timeout queue |
CCap_alloc_base | Capability allocator |
CCounter | Counter for Counting_cap_alloc with variable data width |
CCounter_atomic | Thread safe version of counter for Counting_cap_alloc |
CCounting_cap_alloc | Internal reference-counting cap allocator |
CDataspace_svr | Dataspace server class |
CEvent_buffer_consumer_t | An event buffer consumer |
CEvent_buffer_t | Event_buffer utility class |
CEvent_svr | Convenience wrapper for implementing an event server |
CEvent_t | Convenience wrapper for getting access to an event object |
CItem_alloc_base | Item allocator |
CObject_registry | A registry that manages server objects and their attached IPC gates for a single server loop for a specific thread |
CRef_cap | Automatic capability that implements automatic free and unmap of the capability selector |
CRef_del_cap | Automatic capability that implements automatic free and unmap+delete of the capability selector |
CRegistry_server | A server loop object which has a Object_registry included |
CSmart_cap_auto | Helper for Unique_cap and Unique_del_cap |
CSmart_count_cap | Helper for Ref_cap and Ref_del_cap |
CVcon_svr | Console server template class |
►NVfs | Virtual file system for interfaces in POSIX libc |
CBe_file | Boiler plate class for implementing an open file for L4Re::Vfs |
CBe_file_system | Boilerplate class for implementing a L4Re::Vfs::File_system |
CDirectory | Interface for a POSIX file that is a directory |
CFile | The basic interface for an open POSIX file |
CFile_system | Basic interface for an L4Re::Vfs file system |
CFs | POSIX File-system related functionality |
CGeneric_file | The common interface for an open POSIX file |
CMman | Interface for POSIX memory management |
COps | Interface for the POSIX backends of an application |
CRegular_file | Interface for a POSIX file that provides regular file semantics |
CSpecial_file | Interface for a POSIX file that provides special file semantics |
►NVideo | |
CColor_component | A color component |
►CGoos | Class that abstracts framebuffers |
CInfo | Information structure of a Goos |
CPixel_info | Pixel information |
►CView | View of a framebuffer |
CInfo | Information structure of a view |
CCap_alloc | Capability allocator interface |
CConsole | Console class |
►CDataspace | Interface for memory-like objects |
CF | Dataspace flags definitions |
CStats | Information about the dataspace |
CDebug_obj | Debug interface |
CDefault_event_payload | Default event stream payload |
CDma_space | Managed DMA Address Space |
CEnv | C++ interface of the initial environment that is provided to an L4 task |
CEvent | Event class |
►CEvent_buffer_t | Event buffer class |
CEvent | Event structure used in buffer |
CInhibitor | Set of inhibitor locks, which inhibit specific actions when held |
CItas | Interface to the ITAS |
CLog | Log interface class |
CMem_alloc | Memory allocation interface |
CMmio_space | Interface for memory-like address space accessible via IPC |
CNamespace | Name-space interface |
CParent | Parent interface |
CRandom | Low-bandwidth interface for random number generators |
►CRm | Region map |
CF | Rm flags definitions |
CRange | A range of virtual addresses |
CUnique_region | Unique region |
CSmart_cap_auto | Helper for Unique_cap and Unique_del_cap |
CSmart_count_cap | Helper for Ref_cap and Ref_del_cap |
►NL4vbus | C++ interface of the Vbus API. |
CDevice | Device on a L4vbus::Vbus |
►CGpio_module | A Gpio_module groups multiple GPIO pins together |
CPin_slice | A slice of the pins provided by this module |
CGpio_pin | A GPIO pin |
CIcu | Vbus Interrupt controller API |
CPci_dev | A PCI device |
CPci_host_bridge | A Pci host bridge |
CPm | Power-management API mixin |
CVbus | The virtual bus (Vbus) interface |
►NL4vcpu | |
CState | C++ implementation of state word in the vCPU area |
CVcpu | C++ implementation of the vCPU save state area |
►NL4virtio | L4-VIRTIO Transport C++ API |
►NDriver | |
►CBlock_device | Simple class for accessing a virtio block device synchronously |
CHandle | Handle to an ongoing request |
CDevice | Client-side implementation for a general virtio device |
►CVirtio_net_device | Simple class for accessing a virtio net device |
CPacket | Structure for a network packet (header including data) with maximum size, assuming that no extra features have been negotiated |
CVirtqueue | Driver-side implementation of a Virtqueue |
►NSvr | |
►NConsole | |
CControl_message | Virtio console control message |
CControl_request | Specialised Virtqueue::Request providing access to control message payload |
CDevice | Base class implementing a virtio console device with L4Re-based notification handling |
CDevice_port | A console port with associated read/write state |
CFeatures | Virtio console specific feature bits |
►CPort | Representation of a Virtio console port |
CTransition | State transition from last report state to current state |
CVirtio_con | Base class implementing a virtio console functionality |
►NScmi | |
CBase_attr_t | SCMI base protocol attributes |
CBase_proto | Base class for the SCMI base protocol |
CPerf_proto | Base class for the SCMI performance protocol |
CPerformance_attr_t | SCMI performance protocol attributes |
CPerformance_describe_level_t | SCMI performance describe level |
CPerformance_describe_levels_n_t | SCMI performance describe levels numbers |
CPerformance_domain_attr_t | SCMI performance domain protocol attributes |
CProto | Base class for all protocols |
CScmi_dev | A server implementation of the virtio-scmi protocol |
CScmi_hdr_t | SCMI header |
CBad_descriptor | Exception used by Queue to indicate descriptor errors |
CBlock_dev_base | Base class for virtio block devices |
CBlock_request | A request to read or write data |
CData_buffer | Abstract data buffer |
CDev_config | Abstraction for L4-Virtio device config memory |
CDev_features | Type for device feature bitmap |
CDev_status | Type of the device status register |
CDevice_t | Server-side L4-VIRTIO device stub |
CDriver_mem_list_t | List of driver memory regions assigned to a single L4-VIRTIO transport instance |
CDriver_mem_region_t | Region of driver memory, that shall be managed locally |
CRequest_processor | Encapsulate the state for processing a VIRTIO request |
►CVirtio_i2c | A server implementation of the virtio-i2c protocol |
CHost_irq | Handler for the host irq |
CRequest_processor | Handler for the Virtio requests |
►CVirtio_rng | A server implementation of the virtio-rng protocol |
CHost_irq | Handler for the host irq |
CRequest_processor | Handler for the Virtio requests |
►CVirtqueue | Virtqueue implementation for the device |
CHead_desc | VIRTIO request, essentially a descriptor from the available ring |
CDevice | IPC interface for virtio over L4 IPC |
CPtr | Pointer used in virtio descriptors |
►CVirtqueue | Low-level Virtqueue |
►CAvail | Type of available ring, this is read-only for the host |
CFlags | Flags of the available ring |
►CDesc | Descriptor in the descriptor table |
CFlags | Type for descriptor flags |
►CUsed | Used ring |
CFlags | Flags for the used ring |
CUsed_elem | Type of an element of the used ring |
CBuffer | Data buffer used to transfer packets |
CElf32_Auxv | Auxiliary vector (32-bit) |
CElf32_Dyn | ELF32 dynamic entry |
CElf32_Ehdr | ELF32 header |
CElf32_Phdr | ELF32 program header |
CElf32_Rel | ELF32 relocation entry w/o addend |
CElf32_Rela | ELF32 relocation entry w/ addend |
CElf32_Shdr | ELF32 section header |
CElf32_Sym | ELF32 symbol table entry |
CElf64_Auxv | Auxiliary vector (64-bit) |
CElf64_Dyn | ELF64 dynamic entry |
CElf64_Ehdr | ELF64 header |
CElf64_Phdr | ELF64 program header |
CElf64_Rel | ELF64 relocation entry w/o addend |
CElf64_Rela | ELF64 relocation entry w/ addend |
CElf64_Shdr | ELF64 section header |
CElf64_Sym | ELF64 symbol table entry |
Cgfxbitmap_offset | Offsets in pmap[] and bmap[] |
Cl4_buf_regs_t | Encapsulation of the buffer-registers block in the UTCB |
Cl4_exc_regs_t | UTCB structure for exceptions |
Cl4_fpage_t | L4 flexpage type |
Cl4_icu_info_t | Info structure for an ICU |
Cl4_icu_msi_info_t | Info to use for a specific MSI |
Cl4_kernel_info_mem_desc_t | Memory descriptor data structure |
Cl4_kernel_info_t | L4 Kernel Interface Page |
Cl4_msg_regs_t | Encapsulation of the message-register block in the UTCB |
Cl4_msgtag_t | Message tag data structure |
Cl4_sched_cpu_set_t | CPU sets |
Cl4_sched_param_t | Scheduler parameter set |
Cl4_snd_fpage_t | Send-flexpage types |
Cl4_thread_regs_t | Encapsulation of the thread-control-register block of the UTCB |
Cl4_timeout_s | Basic timeout specification |
Cl4_timeout_t | Timeout pair |
Cl4_vcon_attr_t | Vcon attribute structure |
Cl4_vcpu_arch_state_t | Architecture-specific vCPU state |
Cl4_vcpu_ipc_regs_t | VCPU message registers |
Cl4_vcpu_regs_t | VCPU registers |
Cl4_vcpu_state_t | State of a vCPU |
Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_control_area | VMCB structure for SVM VMs |
Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_state_save_area | State save area structure for SVM VMs |
Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_state_save_area_seg | State save area segment selector struct |
Cl4_vm_svm_vmcb_t | Control structure for SVM VMs |
Cl4_vm_tz_state | State structure for TrustZone VMs |
Cl4_vm_vmx_vcpu_infos_t | VMX information members |
Cl4_vm_vmx_vcpu_state_t | VMX vCPU state |
Cl4_vm_vmx_vcpu_vmcs_t | VMX software VMCS |
Cl4_vmx_offset_table_t | Software VMCS field offset table |
Cl4re_aux_t | Auxiliary descriptor |
Cl4re_ds_stats_t | Information about the data space |
Cl4re_elf_aux_mword_t | Auxiliary vector element for a single unsigned data word |
Cl4re_elf_aux_t | Generic header for each auxiliary vector element |
Cl4re_elf_aux_vma_t | Auxiliary vector element for a reserved virtual memory area |
Cl4re_env_cap_entry_t | Entry in the L4Re environment array for the named inital objects |
Cl4re_env_t | Initial environment data structure |
Cl4re_event_t | Event structure used in buffer |
Cl4re_video_color_component_t | Color component structure |
Cl4re_video_goos_info_t | Goos information structure |
Cl4re_video_pixel_info_t | Pixel_info structure |
Cl4re_video_view_info_t | View information structure |
Cl4re_video_view_t | C representation of a goos view |
Cl4shmc_ringbuf_head_t | Head field of a ring buffer |
Cl4shmc_ringbuf_t | Ring buffer |
Cl4util_l4mod_info | Base module structure |
Cl4util_l4mod_mod | A single module |
Cl4util_mb_addr_range_t | INT-15, AX=E820 style "AddressRangeDescriptor" ...with a "size" parameter on the front which is the structure size - 4, pointing to the next one, up until the full buffer length of the memory map has been reached |
Cl4util_mb_apm_t | APM BIOS info |
Cl4util_mb_drive_t | Drive Info structure |
Cl4util_mb_info_t | MultiBoot Info description |
Cl4util_mb_mod_t | The structure type "mod_list" is used by the multiboot_info structure |
Cl4util_mb_vbe_ctrl_t | VBE controller information |
Cl4util_mb_vbe_mode_t | VBE mode information |
Cl4vbus_device_t | Detailed information about a vbus device |
Cl4vbus_resource_t | Description of a single vbus resource |
Cl4virtio_block_config_t | Device configuration for block devices |
Cl4virtio_block_discard_t | Structure used for the write zeroes and discard commands |
Cl4virtio_block_header_t | Header structure of a request for a block device |
Cl4virtio_config_hdr_t | L4-VIRTIO config header, provided in shared data space |
Cl4virtio_config_queue_t | Queue configuration entry |
Cl4virtio_input_absinfo_t | Information about the absolute axis in the underlying evdev implementation |
Cl4virtio_input_config_t | Device configuration for input devices |
Cl4virtio_input_devids_t | Device ID information for the device |
Cl4virtio_input_event_t | Single event in event or status queue |
Cl4virtio_net_config_t | Device configuration for network devices |
Cl4virtio_net_header_t | Header structure of a request for a network device |
CMac_addr | A wrapper class around the value of a MAC address |
CMac_table | Mac_table manages a 1:n association between ports and MAC addresses |
CSwitch_factory | The IPC interface for creating ports |
CVirtio_net | The Base class of a Port |
CVirtio_net_request | Abstraction for a network request |
CVirtio_net_transfer | A network request to only a single destination |
CVirtio_port | A Port on the Virtio Net Switch |
CVirtio_switch | The Virtio switch contains all ports and processes network requests |
CVirtio_vlan_mangle | Class for VLAN packet rewriting |