Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
- c() : L4::Kobject_2t< Derived, Base1, Base2, PROTO, S_DEMAND >, L4::Kobject_3t< Derived, Base1, Base2, Base3, PROTO, S_DEMAND >, L4::Kobject_t< Derived, Base, PROTO, S_DEMAND >
- C_bits : cxx::Bitmap_base
- Cache_buffered : L4Re::Rm::F
- Cache_normal : L4Re::Rm::F
- Cache_uncached : L4Re::Rm::F
- Cacheable : L4Re::Dataspace::F
- Cached : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- Cacheopt : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- Caching_mask : L4Re::Dataspace::F, L4Re::Rm::F
- Caching_shift : L4Re::Dataspace::F, L4Re::Rm
- call() : L4::Arm_smccc, L4::Ipc::Iostream
- Cap() : L4::Cap< T >
- cap() : L4::Cap_base, L4::Invalid_capability, L4::Ipc::Cap< T >
- Cap() : L4::Ipc::Cap< T >
- cap() : L4::Kobject, l4re_env_cap_entry_t
- Cap_base() : L4::Cap_base
- Cap_entry : L4Re::Env
- cap_equal() : L4::Task
- Cap_mask : L4::Ipc::Cap< T >
- cap_received() : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- Cap_type : L4::Cap_base
- cap_valid() : L4::Task
- capacity : l4virtio_block_config_t
- caps : L4::Type_info::Demand
- Caps : L4::Type_info::Demand_t< CAPS, FLAGS, MEM, PORTS >
- caps : l4_vm_vmx_vcpu_infos_t, l4re_env_t
- cast() : L4vcpu::Vcpu
- cfg_changed() : L4virtio::Svr::Device_t< DATA >
- cfg_read() : L4vbus::Pci_dev, L4vbus::Pci_host_bridge
- cfg_write() : L4vbus::Pci_dev, L4vbus::Pci_host_bridge
- change_mode() : L4::Uart, L4::Uart_apb
- change_queue_config() : L4virtio::Svr::Dev_config
- char_avail() : L4::Uart, L4::Uart_apb
- chars() : cxx::Bitmap_base
- check_castable_from() : L4::Cap< T >
- check_clients() : Block_device::Device_mgr< DEV, FACTORY, SCHEDULER >
- check_convertible_from() : L4::Cap< T >
- check_features() : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Virtio_con, L4virtio::Svr::Device_t< DATA >
- check_ports() : Virtio_switch
- check_queues() : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Virtio_con, L4virtio::Svr::Device_t< DATA >, L4virtio::Svr::Virtio_i2c< Request_handler, Epiface >, L4virtio::Svr::Virtio_rng< Rnd_state, Epiface >, Virtio_net
- check_ready() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Generic_file
- Class : L4::Kobject_2t< Derived, Base1, Base2, PROTO, S_DEMAND >, L4::Kobject_3t< Derived, Base1, Base2, Base3, PROTO, S_DEMAND >, L4::Kobject_t< Derived, Base, PROTO, S_DEMAND >
- clear() : cxx::Bits::Basic_list< POLICY >, L4::Types::Flags< BITS_ENUM, UNDERLYING >, L4drivers::Register_tmpl< BITS, BLOCK >, L4Re::Dataspace, L4Re::Util::Dataspace_svr, L4vcpu::State
- clear_bit() : cxx::Bitmap_base
- cmdline : l4util_l4mod_info, l4util_l4mod_mod, l4util_mb_info_t, l4util_mb_mod_t
- code : L4Re::Default_event_payload, l4re_event_t
- Coherent : L4Re::Dma_space
- Color_component() : L4Re::Video::Color_component
- Com_error() : L4::Com_error
- Compound : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- config_get() : L4vbus::Gpio_pin
- config_pad() : L4vbus::Gpio_module, L4vbus::Gpio_pin
- config_pull() : L4vbus::Gpio_pin
- config_queue() : L4virtio::Device, L4virtio::Driver::Device
- config_table : l4util_mb_info_t
- console_multiport() : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Features
- console_multiport_bfm_t : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Features
- Console_port : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Control_message
- console_size() : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Features
- console_size_bfm_t : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Features
- Const_item_type : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >
- Const_iterator : cxx::Avl_tree< Node, Get_key, Compare >, cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >, cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >
- Const_rev_iterator : cxx::Avl_tree< Node, Get_key, Compare >, cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >, cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >
- consumed() : L4virtio::Svr::Virtqueue
- contains() : L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t< DATA >
- Continue : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- Continuous : L4Re::Mem_alloc
- control() : L4::Thread
- Conventional : L4::Kip::Mem_desc
- copy() : L4::Cap< T >, L4::Cap_base, L4Re::Smart_count_cap< Unmap_flags >, L4Re::Util::Dataspace_svr, L4Re::Util::Smart_count_cap< Unmap_flags >
- copy_in() : L4::Ipc::Array_in_buf< ELEM_TYPE, LEN_TYPE, MAX >, L4Re::Dataspace
- copy_pkt() : Virtio_vlan_mangle
- copy_receive_cap() : L4Re::Util::Names::Name_space
- copy_to() : L4virtio::Svr::Data_buffer
- count() : L4::Kip::Mem_desc
- Counting_cap_alloc() : L4Re::Util::Counting_cap_alloc< COUNTERTYPE, Dbg >
- cpsr : l4_exc_regs_t
- cpu_allow_shutdown() : L4::Platform_control
- cpu_disable() : L4::Platform_control
- cpu_enable() : L4::Platform_control
- create() : L4::Factory
- create_buffer() : L4Re::Video::Goos
- create_factory() : L4::Factory
- create_gate() : L4::Factory
- create_task() : L4::Factory
- create_view() : L4Re::Video::Goos
- cs : l4_vcpu_regs_t
- current_flags() : L4virtio::Svr::Request_processor
- cx : l4_vcpu_regs_t