Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- l -
- L : cxx::Bits::Direction
- l4re_env_cap_entry_t() : l4re_env_cap_entry_t
- l_flags : l4_vcon_attr_t
- label() : l4_msgtag_t
- last : Block_device::Partition_info
- Last : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- last() : L4Re::Util::Counting_cap_alloc< COUNTERTYPE, Dbg >
- ldr_base : l4re_aux_t
- ldr_flags : l4re_aux_t
- learn() : Mac_table< Size >
- left : L4virtio::Svr::Data_buffer
- len() : cxx::String, L4::Factory::Lstr, L4virtio::Svr::Console::Control_request, L4virtio::Virtqueue::Desc, L4virtio::Virtqueue::Used_elem
- length : L4::Ipc::Array_in_buf< ELEM_TYPE, LEN_TYPE, MAX >, L4::Ipc::Varg
- linear_blue_field_position : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_blue_mask_size : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_bytes_per_scanline : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_green_field_position : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_green_mask_size : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_number_of_image_pages : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_red_field_position : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_red_mask_size : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_reserved_field_position : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- linear_reserved_mask_size : l4util_mb_vbe_mode_t
- Link : L4Re::Namespace
- link() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Directory
- List_alloc() : cxx::List_alloc
- load_desc() : L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_list_t< DATA >
- local() : L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t< DATA >
- local_base() : L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t< DATA >
- local_id_received() : L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage
- Lock_guard() : L4::Lock_guard
- log() : L4Re::Env, l4re_env_t
- lookup() : Mac_table< Size >
- loop() : L4::Server< LOOP_HOOKS >, L4Re::Util::Registry_server< LOOP_HOOKS >
- loop_dbg() : L4::Server< LOOP_HOOKS >, L4Re::Util::Registry_server< LOOP_HOOKS >
- loop_noexc() : L4::Server< LOOP_HOOKS >
- Low_mask : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- lower_bound_node() : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >, cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >
- Lsb : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- lseek64() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Regular_file
- Lstr() : L4::Factory::Lstr