Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- e -
- e_ehsize : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_entry : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_flags : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_ident : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_machine : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_phentsize : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_phnum : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_phoff : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_shentsize : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_shnum : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_shoff : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_shstrndx : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_type : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- e_version : Elf32_Ehdr, Elf64_Ehdr
- eax : l4_exc_regs_t
- ebp : l4_exc_regs_t
- ebx : l4_exc_regs_t
- ecx : l4_exc_regs_t
- edi : l4_exc_regs_t
- edx : l4_exc_regs_t
- end : L4Re::Rm::Range, l4vbus_resource_t
- endskip_x : gfxbitmap_offset
- entry_ip : l4_vcpu_state_t
- entry_sp : l4_vcpu_state_t
- err : l4_exc_regs_t, l4_vcpu_regs_t
- error : l4_thread_regs_t
- es : l4_exc_regs_t, l4_vcpu_regs_t
- esi : l4_exc_regs_t
- event : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Control_message, L4virtio::Svr::Console::Port::Transition