Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- f -
- F_above : L4Re::Video::View
- F_auto_refresh : L4Re::Video::Goos
- F_dyn_allocated : L4Re::Video::View
- F_dynamic_buffers : L4Re::Video::Goos
- F_dynamic_views : L4Re::Video::Goos
- F_flags_mask : L4Re::Video::View
- F_fully_dynamic : L4Re::Video::View
- F_none : L4Re::Video::View
- F_pointer : L4Re::Video::Goos
- F_set_background : L4Re::Video::View
- F_set_buffer : L4Re::Video::View
- F_set_buffer_offset : L4Re::Video::View
- F_set_bytes_per_line : L4Re::Video::View
- F_set_flags : L4Re::Video::View
- F_set_pixel : L4Re::Video::View
- F_set_position : L4Re::Video::View
- faccessat() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Directory
- factory() : L4Re::Env, l4re_env_t
- fail_request() : Block_device::Pending_request
- fail_state() : L4virtio::Driver::Device, L4virtio::Svr::Dev_status
- fail_state_bfm_t : L4virtio::Svr::Dev_status
- failed() : L4virtio::Svr::Dev_status
- failed_bfm_t : L4virtio::Svr::Dev_status
- fast_channel() : L4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Performance_domain_attr_t
- fast_channel_bfm_t : L4virtio::Svr::Scmi::Performance_domain_attr_t
- fchmod() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Generic_file
- fchmodat() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file
- fdatasync() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Regular_file
- feature_negotiated() : L4virtio::Driver::Device
- features : l4_icu_info_t
- features_ok() : L4virtio::Svr::Dev_status
- features_ok_bfm_t : L4virtio::Svr::Dev_status
- fill0 : l4_kernel_info_t
- fill1 : l4_kernel_info_t
- fill2 : l4_kernel_info_t
- fill3 : l4_kernel_info_t
- finalize_request() : L4virtio::Svr::Block_dev_base< Ds_data >
- find() : cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >, cxx::String, L4::Basic_registry, L4Re::Rm, L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_list_t< DATA >
- find_match() : cxx::String
- find_next_used() : L4virtio::Driver::Virtqueue
- find_node() : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >, cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >
- finish() : L4virtio::Svr::Virtqueue
- finish_rx() : L4virtio::Driver::Virtio_net_device
- first : Block_device::Partition_info, cxx::Pair< First, Second >, L4::Kip::Mem_desc
- first_free_br() : L4::Ipc_svr::Br_manager_no_buffers, L4Re::Util::Br_manager
- first_free_cap() : L4Re::Env, l4re_env_t
- first_free_utcb() : L4Re::Env, l4re_env_t
- First_type : cxx::Pair< First, Second >
- Fixed_paddr : L4Re::Mem_alloc
- flags : Block_device::Inout_block, Block_device::Partition_info, L4::Type_info::Demand
- Flags : L4::Type_info::Demand_t< CAPS, FLAGS, MEM, PORTS >, L4::Types::Flags< BITS_ENUM, UNDERLYING >
- flags : l4_exc_regs_t, l4_msgtag_t, l4_vcpu_regs_t
- Flags : L4Re::Dataspace::F
- flags() : L4Re::Dataspace, L4Re::Dataspace::Stats
- Flags : L4Re::Video::Goos
- flags : L4Re::Video::Goos::Info
- Flags : L4Re::Video::View
- flags : L4Re::Video::View::Info, l4re_ds_stats_t, l4re_env_cap_entry_t, l4re_video_goos_info_t, l4re_video_view_info_t, l4util_l4mod_info, l4util_l4mod_mod, l4util_mb_info_t, l4vbus_device_t, l4vbus_resource_t, L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_region_t< DATA >, L4virtio::Virtqueue::Avail
- Flags() : L4virtio::Virtqueue::Avail::Flags
- flags : L4virtio::Virtqueue::Desc
- Flags() : L4virtio::Virtqueue::Desc::Flags
- flags : L4virtio::Virtqueue::Used
- Flags() : L4virtio::Virtqueue::Used::Flags
- Flags_t() : L4::Types::Flags_t< DT, T >
- flush() : Mac_table< Size >
- foreach_available_event() : L4Re::Util::Event_buffer_consumer_t< PAYLOAD >
- forward_mappings() : L4::Ipc::Rcv_fpage
- fpage() : L4::Cap_base, L4::Ipc::Cap< T >, l4_fpage_t, l4_snd_fpage_t
- frame_count() : L4::Exception_tracer
- free() : cxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, cxx::Base_slab_static< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, cxx::List_alloc, cxx::Slab< Type, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, L4Re::Cap_alloc, L4Re::Event_buffer_t< PAYLOAD >::Event, L4Re::Smart_count_cap< Unmap_flags >, L4Re::Util::_Cap_alloc, L4Re::Util::Cap_alloc_base, L4Re::Util::Counting_cap_alloc< COUNTERTYPE, Dbg >, L4Re::Util::Smart_cap_auto< Unmap_flags >, L4Re::Util::Smart_count_cap< Unmap_flags >
- free_area() : L4Re::Rm
- free_capability() : L4Re::Util::Names::Name_space
- free_descriptor() : L4virtio::Driver::Virtqueue
- free_dynamic_entry() : L4Re::Util::Names::Name_space
- free_epiface() : L4Re::Util::Names::Name_space
- free_fd() : L4Re::Vfs::Fs
- free_marker : l4_thread_regs_t
- free_objects() : cxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, cxx::Base_slab_static< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >
- frequency_bus : l4_kernel_info_t
- frequency_cpu : l4_kernel_info_t
- from_ci() : L4::Ipc::Cap< T >
- from_dec() : cxx::String
- From_device : L4Re::Dma_space
- from_hex() : cxx::String
- from_raw() : L4::Types::Flags< BITS_ENUM, UNDERLYING >
- front() : cxx::Bits::Basic_list< POLICY >, cxx::Bits::Smart_ptr_list< ITEM >
- fs : l4_exc_regs_t, l4_vcpu_regs_t
- fstat64() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Generic_file
- fsync() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Regular_file
- ftruncate64() : L4Re::Vfs::Be_file, L4Re::Vfs::Regular_file
- full() : L4virtio::Svr::Driver_mem_list_t< DATA >
- Fwd_iter_ops : cxx::Bits::Bst< Node, Get_key, Compare >