Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- v -
- val() : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- val_dirty() : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- val_unshifted() : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- valid() : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >::Node, L4Re::Video::View, L4virtio::Svr::Virtqueue::Head_desc
- validate() : L4::Cap_base
- value() : L4::Ipc::Opt< T >, L4::Ipc::Varg
- Varg() : L4::Ipc::Varg
- Varg_list() : L4::Ipc::Varg_list< MAX >
- Varg_list_ref() : L4::Ipc::Varg_list_ref
- vcpu_control() : L4::Thread
- vcpu_control_ext() : L4::Thread
- vcpu_resume_commit() : L4::Thread
- vcpu_resume_start() : L4::Thread
- vgicc_map() : L4::Vm
- vicu() : L4vbus::Icu
- view() : L4Re::Video::Goos
- view_info() : L4Re::Util::Video::Goos_svr
- Virtio_con() : L4virtio::Svr::Console::Virtio_con
- Virtio_port() : Virtio_port
- Virtio_switch() : Virtio_switch
- Virtio_vlan_mangle() : Virtio_vlan_mangle
- Virtqueue() : L4virtio::Virtqueue